Job Billing Register


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Job Billing Data Entry


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Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Register.


The Job Billing Register provides an audit report that itemizes all entries made using Job Billing Data Entry or selected using Job Billing Selection. Printing the Job Billing Register report is the first step in the file update process. It allows you to check for possible errors before the information is posted to the permanent files.

Note This task is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost.

For each invoice, the report details the invoice number and date, the customer number, terms code, retention rate, sales tax code, revised contract amount, billed-to-date costs, actual percentage of completion, percentage of contract billed, amount billable, retention amount, sales tax, and invoice total. The Report Total line shows the total revised contract amount, billed-to-date costs, amount billable, retention, sales tax, and total invoiced amount.

If you are using Work-in-Process accounting and you are billing percentage of completion jobs, a General Ledger Work in Process Recap report prints following the printing of the Job Billing Register. This report recaps posting amounts by cost type for each job currently being billed, along with the General Ledger Work-in-Process and Cost of Sale account numbers to post.

If the Job Billing Register includes tax amounts, a Tax Journal Summary prints following the printing of the register. The Tax Journal Summary prints tax information for each tax code that was invoiced.

Review the Job Billing Register for accuracy. If there are any errors, select Job Billing Data Entry, make the necessary changes, print the job invoices and the Job Billing Register, and proceed with the update.

Warning Do NOT, under any circumstances, interrupt the update process!

If you do not update this information, the invoice information remains in Job Billing Data Entry and is included the next time an update is attempted.

During the update process, the following occurs:

After the Job Billing Register update is completed, a message appears asking if you want to print a Daily Transaction Register. Print the Daily Transaction Register and update the general ledger entries posted from the Job Billing Register.


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