Adjust Previously Recorded Invoices


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Use one of the following methods to adjust a previously recorded invoice:


To adjust previously recorded invoices for Fixed Contract job invoices

  1. Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Data Entry.

  2. In the Job No. and Invoice No. field, enter the appropriate job number and invoice number. For more information, see Job Billing Data Entry - Fields. A message appears asking if you want to adjust the invoice.

  3. Click Yes to adjust the invoice. The Original Totals window appears. The information in this window can only be viewed. It allows you to review the totals as shown on the original invoice.

  4. Click OK to return to Job Billing Data Entry and make the necessary adjustments.

  5. Complete the remaining fields on the Job Billing Data Entry Header tab as necessary.

  6. Click the Totals tab and adjust the Actual Percent Complete, Commission Amount, Billable Contract, Sales Tax Amount, and Less Retention fields as necessary.

  7. Enter the percent complete and billable contract amounts as positive numbers, then increase or decrease these amounts in relation to the percent contract billed amount displayed to create the correct invoice adjustment amount.

  8. Click Accept.

The adjustments are included on the Job Billing Register, and the invoice balance is adjusted during the Job Billing Register update. To delete the adjustment entry from the file, click Delete in Job Billing Data Entry. To remove an invoice from the Open Invoice file, you must adjust the invoice amount to zero. The invoice is subsequently removed during the next Accounts Receivable period-end processing.


To adjust previously recorded invoices for Time and Material job invoices

  1. Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Data Entry.

  2. In the Job No. and Invoice No. field, enter the appropriate job number and invoice number. For more information, see Job Billing Data Entry - Fields. A message appears asking if you want to adjust the invoice.

  3. Click Yes to adjust the invoice. The Original Totals window appears. The information in this window can only be viewed. It allows you to review the totals as shown on the original invoice.

  4. Click OK to return to Job Billing Data Entry and make the necessary adjustments.

  5. Complete the fields on the Job Billing Data Entry Header tab as needed.

  6. Click the Lines tab. Enter adjustments to the invoice as miscellaneous expenses. Click the Totals tab.

  7. In the Commission Amount, Sales Tax Amount, and Less Retention fields, make adjustments as follows:

  8. To reduce the amount of the invoice, enter the change as a negative (-) number. To increase the amount, enter the change in the normal manner, using a positive number.

Note When entering a credit memo for Time and Material job invoices, miscellaneous lines can be entered with the account to credit.

  1. To adjust a Time and Material job invoice (for Work-in-Process accounting), enter negative WIP units/unit costs in Job Posting Entry and bill the job with the negative WIP amount selected for billing. For more information, see Job Posting Entry and Enter an Item Code.

  2. Click Accept.

The adjustments are included on the Job Billing Register, and the invoice balance is adjusted during the Job Billing Register update. To delete the adjustment entry from the file, click Delete in Job Billing Data Entry. To remove an invoice from the Open Invoice file, you must adjust the invoice amount to zero. The invoice is subsequently removed during the next Accounts Receivable period-end processing.

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