Job Billing Data Entry - Fields


Job Billing Data Entry

Job No.

Enter the job number assigned to the invoice to modify, add, or delete during the current billing period, or click the Lookup button to list all job numbers. If the Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry check box is selected in Job Cost Options, the system checks to see if the status of the job number entered is allowed in Job Status Maintenance.

If you enter a job number with a status that is not allowed, a message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the job number. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password.

Click Quick Print to access Job Invoice Printing. Click the Memo button to review and/or maintain job memos.


1. Header



Customer No.

For jobs being billed for the first time, this field displays the customer number for the job and can only be viewed.

Click the Memo button to review and/or maintain customer memos. The Memo feature is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost and either Yes or Maintain is selected in the Memo Options field in Memo Manager Maintenance.

Note If the customer selected is on credit hold or exceeds the credit limit, the Credit Limit History window appears.

Note If you enter a customer whose status is set to Inactive in Customer Maintenance, a message appears warning that the customer is inactive and cannot be used.


Invoice No.

Enter the invoice number representing the invoice to bill for this job, or click the Next Number button to increment to the next invoice number. The letters -IN are added automatically to the invoice number to indicate a regular invoice type. To specify one of the following types of invoices, enter one of the following two-character abbreviations and click the Next Number button to increment to the next invoice number, or enter the invoice number, followed by a dash and one of the following two-character abbreviations.

If the invoice number has been recorded in the Open Invoice file through the invoice update process, and is still present, a message appears asking if you want to adjust the invoice. Click Yes to adjust the invoice. To reduce the original invoice amounts, enter the amount as a negative number. To increase the amount, enter a positive number. For more information about debit and credit invoices, see Enter Debit/Credit Memos. For more information about retention invoices, see Enter Retention Invoices.


Invoice Date

Type the invoice date. For jobs selected using Job Billing Selection, this field displays the invoice date entered. This field displays the current accounting date for invoices being entered for the first time.


Terms Code

Enter a terms code, or click the Lookup button to list all terms codes.

A new terms code can be added on the fly. The A/R Terms Code Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. Access A/R Terms Code Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for the new terms code.


Billing Date  

Type the billing date to use as the cutoff date through which costs are included for Time and Material billing and work-in-process adjustments. For jobs selected using Job Billing Selection, this field displays the job billing date entered. For invoices being entered for the first time, this field displays the current accounting date.


Due Date

Type the invoice due date. The date displayed is calculated based on the invoice date and the terms code.


Discount Date

Type the invoice discount date. The date displayed is calculated based on the invoice date and the terms code. Discount terms can be applied to either Fixed Contract or Time and Material jobs.


Retention Rate

Type the retention rate to use to calculate billing for this job invoice.



Enter a salesperson number for this customer, or click the Lookup button to list all salesperson numbers.

A new salesperson can be added on the fly; the Salesperson Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears allowing you to create the salesperson record.

Note If divisions are not set up and you enter ALL as a salesperson number to create a salesperson on the fly, you will not be able to enter a record for that salesperson in Line Item Commission Maintenance.


Sales Tax Schedule

Enter the applicable sales tax schedule for this customer. Click the Lookup button to list all codes. This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is selected in Accounts Receivable Options.

A sales tax schedule can be added on the fly. The Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance (On the Fly) window appears; some nonessential fields are omitted to speed data entry. Access Sales Tax Schedule Maintenance at a later time to complete the remaining entries for the new sales tax schedule.


Commission Rate

Type the commission rate to use for this salesperson. Sales commissions can be calculated for Fixed Contract or Time and Material jobs.

Note If you enter a new commission rate, the commission amount is recalculated. If a password is specified in the Commission and Credit Limit Override Password field in Accounts Receivable Options, you are prompted for the password when the commission amount is changed. The change will not be made unless a valid password is entered. Commission amounts can also be printed on the Salesperson Commission Report.



Type the billing comment to print on the invoice. For Time and Material jobs, additional comment lines can also be entered during cost code detail entry on the Lines tab.


Print Invoice

Select this check box to print this invoice. Clear this check box if you do not want to print this invoice.


Bill Method

This field displays the billing method for the selected job.


Apply To Invoice

Enter the invoice number to which the debit or credit memo will be applied, or click the Lookup button to list all open invoices. This field is available only if you are entering a debit or credit memo.


2. Lines



Type /M to enter a miscellaneous expense not associated with a cost code. Type /C to enter a comment to print on the invoice. This field is available only if you are not maintaining a cost code detail line.



Type a description to print on the invoice. If you are entering a miscellaneous expense line, type a description of the miscellaneous expense to bill. If you are entering a comment, type the comment to print on the invoice.



Select this check box to calculate commission for this line. Clear this check box to exclude commission for this line.



Select this check box to include this line from the current billing and invoice printing. Clear this check box to exclude this line. You can also clear this check box to bill the selected line later.


Subj to Exemption

Select this check box to calculate sales tax for this line. Clear this check box to exclude sales tax for this line.

Note If the current customer has a tax exemption number set up in the Accounts Receivable Customer file, and the cost codes being billed are taxable, the customer tax status overrides the cost code tax status. If the cost code tax status is manually altered using this task, it overrides the customer tax status.



Type the total unbilled number of units. For cost code/cost types using the Unit Price billing method, the number of units typed here is multiplied by the unit price to calculate the bill amount. This field is available only if there is a unit of measure on file for this cost code/cost type.



Type the total unbilled costs. For cost code/cost types using the Percentage Markup billing method, the cost amount is marked up by the bill rate to calculate the bill amount.


Bill Rate

Type the bill rate. For cost code/cost types using the Percentage Markup billing method, this field displays the cost markup percentage. For cost code/cost types using the Unit Price billing method, this field displays the unit price.


Bill Amount

Type the total amount to be billed. For cost code/cost types using the Unit Price billing method, the number of units is multiplied by the unit price to calculate the bill amount. For cost code/cost types using the Percentage Markup billing method, the cost amount is marked up by the bill rate to calculate the bill amount. If a change is made to the displayed bill amount, the bill rate is recalculated and redisplayed.


G/L Account

Enter the general ledger account number to post for this miscellaneous expense, or click the Lookup button to list all general ledger accounts.

If the account number is longer than the field, use the left and right arrow keys to view the entire account number.

Accounts can be created in this field if the appropriate settings are defined in the Auto Create when all Segments are Valid field in General Ledger Options.


Tax Class

Enter a tax class, or click the Lookup button to list all tax classes.


3. Totals


Commission Amount

Type a commission amount for this invoice. The commission amount is calculated by multiplying the amount subject to commission by the commission rate entered for the invoice. If you enter a new commission rate, the commission amount is recalculated.  

Note If you have entered a password in the Commission and Credit Override Password field in Accounts Receivable Options, you are prompted for the password when the commission amount is changed. The change is not made unless a valid password is entered. If the commission rate is changed, the commission rate is recalculated. Commission amounts can also be printed on the Salesperson Commission Report.


Actual Percent Complete

Type the actual percentage of completion for this job. If the actual percent of completion is changed, the billable contract amount is recalculated and redisplayed.



Type a commission amount for this invoice. The commission amount is calculated by multiplying the amount subject to commission by the commission rate entered for the invoice.

Note If a password is specified in the Commission and Credit Override Password field in Accounts Receivable Options, you are prompted for the password when the commission amount is changed. The change is not made unless a valid password is entered. If the commission rate is changed, the commission rate is recalculated. Commission amounts can also be printed on the Salesperson Commission Report.


Billable Contract

Type a billable contract amount. The billable contract amount is calculated as the revised contract amount multiplied by the actual percentage of completion. If the billable contract amount is changed, the commission amount, actual percent complete, sales tax amount, and less retention amount are recalculated and redisplayed.


Sales Tax Amount

This field displays the sales tax amount and can only be viewed. To modify the sales tax amount displayed, click Tax Detail and enter the new sales tax amount in the Tax Amount field in the Tax Detail window.

The sales tax amount is not calculated for tax exempt customers. For more information, see Using Sales Tax in Job Cost.

This field is available only if the Sales Tax Reporting check box is cleared in Accounts Receivable Options.


Amount Billable

Type the billable amount. This field is available only for retention invoices.


Less Retention

Type a retention amount to subtract from the total invoice amount. The less retention amount is calculated by multiplying the amount billable by the retention rate entered for the invoice. If the less retention amount is changed, the Retention Rate and Retention to Date fields are recalculated.

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