Enter Debit/Credit Memos


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The Job Billing process is used to enter and adjust billing information, and print invoices for mailing to customers. Use Job Billing Data Entry to enter a debit memo (to add miscellaneous charges to a customer's account) or a credit memo (to credit a customer's account). Debit memos are normally issued to an account for billing errors, expenses inadvertently not billed, or other miscellaneous charges. Credit memos are typically used to credit an account in the event of a billing dispute.

The amount of the debit or credit memo is entered as a positive amount. The system recognizes the -DM or -CM invoice type and reverses the amount signs automatically, when necessary, before applying the amount to the proper account. To determine the billable contract amount on a credit memo, you must subtract the credit memo amount from the previously invoiced amount.

Both debit and credit memos can be applied to a specific invoice or can be used to debit or credit a customer's entire balance. When the Job Billing update is performed, the debit or credit memo is applied to the invoice. Both debit and credit memos can be printed using the normal Job Invoice Printing procedures. All invoice types relieve work in process up through the billing date. Credit memos also credit Work-in-Process and debit Cost of Sale accounts, just like other invoices.

Expand/Collapse item  Before You Begin

The Accounts Receivable module must be integrated with Job Cost before you can use Job Billing Data Entry.


To enter debit/credit memos

  1. Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Billing Data Entry.

  2. Enter a job number. For more information, see Job Billing Data Entry - Fields.

  3. At the Invoice No. field, enter a Debit or Credit memo number (maximum seven-characters), followed by a "-DM" for a debit memo or a "-CM" for a credit memo. If you want to use the next automatic invoice number, type "N-CM" or "N-DM."

  4. After you complete your entry, the Apply to Invoice field appears below the Invoice No. field.

  5. To apply this Debit or Credit memo to an invoice, in the Apply to Invoice field, enter the invoice number.

  6. If this Debit or Credit memo applies to the entire customer balance instead of a specific invoice, skip the Apply to Invoice field.

  7. Complete the remaining fields in the Job Billing Data Entry window; click Accept.

  8. After you complete your entries, print the Debit or Credit memo in Job Invoice Printing. For more information, see Job Invoice Printing.

Note When entering Credit memos, enter the credit amounts as positive numbers. The system will automatically apply the amount as a credit to the previous invoice or to the customer's balance.

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