Job Invoice Printing


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Select Job Cost Job Billing menu > Job Invoice Printing.

This task is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Job Cost.


Job Invoice Printing uses information selected in Job Billing Selection or Job Billing Data Entry to produce printed invoices for mailing to customers. Invoices are printed according to the form alignment and print specifications defined. This task can also be accessed at the completion of Job Billing Selection Register and Job Billing Data Entry or by clicking Quick Print in the Job Billing Data Entry window.

Invoices for Fixed Contract jobs are printed on a single page. Information printed includes the invoice number, invoice date, customer number, customer name, customer address, contract amount, percentage completed, billable contract, retention, sales tax, and invoice amount.

Invoices for Time and Material jobs are printed in two parts. The first page includes invoice header information similar to Fixed Contract invoices. The second page, and any subsequent pages, is printed with cost code detail information for the invoice.

Retention invoices are printed on a single page. Information printed includes the original contract amount, total change order amount, revised contract amount, retention billing amount, and sales tax, if applicable.

You can print graphical or nongraphical invoices based on your selection in the Graphical Forms Job Invoices field in the Job Cost Options window.

After you have completed Job Invoice Printing, you can print the Job Billing Register and update the invoices to the permanent files.



Job Type to Print

Multi Part Enable

Print Invoices Already Printed


Line 1 and Line 2 Message

Paperless Office Output

Invoice Form Code

Job Number

Invoice Form Code Description



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