Job Status Maintenance


Window Details


How Do I...



Define Allowed Job Statuses for Data Entry Tasks










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Select Job Cost Setup menu > Job Status Maintenance.

This task is available only if the Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry check box is selected in Job Cost Options.


Use Job Status Maintenance to define which job statuses are allowed when entering job numbers in data entry windows in the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Management, Job Cost, Payroll, Purchase Order, and Sales Order modules. The ability to enter job numbers with statuses that are not allowed can be modified with the appropriate security setup.

Note The system checks for allowed job statuses only when a job number is entered in a data entry window. Changing a job status from allowed to not allowed does not affect existing records; however, if a job number is changed for an existing record, or a new item with a job number is entered on the Lines tab for an existing record, the system will check to verify that the job's status is allowed.



Module Code

Data Entry

Module Name

Job Statuses to Allow


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