Job Status Maintenance - Fields


Job Status Maintenance

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Module Code

Enter a module code, or enter ALL to select allowed statuses for all applicable modules. Only modules integrated with Job Cost can be entered.

Click the Job Status Entries button to select from a list of existing records.

Note If a record is created for a module, and that module is no longer integrated with Job Cost, you can select that record only by clicking the Job Status Entries button or the browse buttons. You will no longer be able to select the module in the Module Code field.


Module Name

This field displays the name of the selected module or All Modules depending on the selection made in the Module Code field. This field can only be viewed.


Data Entry

Select the data entry task for which you want to define allowed job statuses. Alternately, select All Data Entries to define allowed statuses for all tasks in the selected module, or for all modules if ALL is entered in the Module Code field. If you select ALL in the Module Code field, and then select a data entry task for a specific module, the module code selection will be changed to reflect that specific module.

Note The Job Billing Selection task uses the same selections as Job Billing Data Entry; therefore, it is not an available selection in this field.

Note The system will check for allowed job statuses in all of the data entry tasks shown below if you select ALL in the Module Code field and select All Data Entries in the Data Entry field, provided that the associated module is integrated with Job Cost.

Click the + graphic next to each module to see which tasks are subject to job status checking if you select a module in the Module Code field, and select All Data Entries in the Data Entry field.

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Payable


Expand/CollARse item Accounts Receivable


Expand/Collapse item Inventory Management


Expand/Collapse item Job Cost


Expand/Collapse item Payroll


Expand/Collapse item Purchase Order


Expand/Collapse item Sales Order


Job Statuses to Allow

Select one or more check boxes to allow the corresponding job statuses in the data entry tasks selected in the Data Entry field. Select the All Statuses check box to allow all statuses. The ability to enter job numbers with statuses that are not allowed can be modified with the appropriate security setup in Role Maintenance.


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