Job Field Report Entry


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Create a Job Field Report Entry










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Select Job Cost Main menu > Job Field Report Entry.


Use Job Field Report Entry to update completion status information for active jobs based on information provided by the job manager. Update information is entered for both the overall job and for each cost code/cost type associated with the job. You can also use this task to update any units (quantities) that have been completed for a specific cost code/cost type.

After the information is entered, it can be printed on the Job Field Report Register and updated automatically to the Job Cost system. The actual completion information prints on many Job Cost reports and is used to calculate cost analysis information (for example, current cost variance, projected variance, estimated cost to complete, and projected profit).

If the actual completion information is not provided, cost analysis calculations are based on the percentage of job-to-date cost against the revised estimated cost. Cost code/cost types that use the Unit Method of Completion calculation method use the percentage of job-to-date units against the revised estimated units. Updating completion status information on a timely basis is essential to verify that Job Cost reports reflect the most accurate job status information.



Job No.




1. Header


Actual % Complete

Date Reported



2. Lines


Cost Code

Additional Units Completed

Cost Type

Reported % Complete

Vendor No.

Report Date


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