Cost Code Detail


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Job Masterfile Maintenance

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Job Field Report Entry

Transaction Detail Inquiry

Future (Cost Code Detail)

Cost Code Summary



Select Job Cost Main menu > Job Masterfile Maintenance. In the Job Masterfile Maintenance window, enter a job number and click Cost Code.


Use Cost Code Detail to enter estimated dollars and units (quantity), percentage of completion, and billing information for jobs, detailed by cost code and cost type. This option can also be used to view period-to-date, year-to-date, and job-to-date cost and unit information, and to list detailed transaction information.



Cost Code

Unit Cost

Cost Type

Actual % Complete

Vendor No.

Date Reported

Unit of Measure

Original Estimate (Units)

Bill Method

Revised Estimate (Units)

Completion Method

Days Required

Original Estimate (Dollars)

Workers’ Comp

Revised Estimate (Dollars)

Lien Amount


Release Date

Days to Start

Retention Rate

Bill Rate/Unit Price/Amount



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