Job Masterfile Maintenance


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How Do I...


Add a New Customer

Set Up Job Estimates

Enter a Retention Rate

Renumber a Job


Related Topics


Job Estimate Maintenance

Renumber Job

Job Cost Accounting Methods

Copy from Job

Job Masterfile Inquiry/Job Masterfile History Inquiry

Job Field Report Entry

Job Memo Maintenance

Future (Job Status)

Job Cost FAQs

Invoice Drill Down

Cost Code Detail

Billing Detail Search

Calculating Cost Analysis

Period End Processing



Select Job Cost Main menu > Job Masterfile Maintenance.

The Change Orders tab is available only if the Allow Job Contract Change Orders check box is selected in the Job Cost Options window.


Use Job Masterfile Maintenance to create and maintain a file of jobs to be processed by the system. This task also provides options to maintain job descriptions and other constant data, contract amounts, job status, contract change order information, cost code detail, and job memos. You can also perform billing detail inquiry and change job numbers.

During system startup, you will build a Job master file containing records for each of your jobs. Initially, the majority of jobs entered into the system are "open" (active) jobs. You may want to enter "closed" jobs for which revenue and expense transactions have taken place in the current year, or are anticipated before the close of the year.

Jobs can be entered manually into the Job master file, or they can be transferred automatically from a Job Estimate file using Job Estimate Maintenance. After a job number is established for a new job, you can quickly copy information from an existing job to a new job. Jobs can be deleted or renumbered only if there is no activity for that job.

You can enter the job description, customer number, job address, contract number and date, billing method, job status, start date, and other constant data for the job. You can also record the actual percentage of completion of a job contract, along with the date of the entry.

Note All job cost customers are open item customers. An error message appears if you attempt to enter a balance forward customer number.

The original estimate and revised estimate amounts are adjusted automatically as additional cost code detail entries are made. Period-to-date, year-to-date, and job-to-date actual costs; billed (invoiced) costs; and payments received are maintained as job activity is processed. The lower portion of the window recaps projected cost variances, total billed and unbilled costs, projected profit, and other cost-related information for active jobs. You may want to review this information periodically for an up-to-date financial analysis of any open job.

If postings have been made for a future accounting period, you can view the period-to-date, year-to-date, and job-to-date information reflecting future postings.  

You can record any revisions made to an original job contract. Change order detail is entered and retained by date, description, and amount, and is used to update the Revised Contract field on the Job Masterfile Maintenance Job Status tab. All contact amount changes must be entered directly in the Revised Contract field on the Job Masterfile Job Status tab.

You can review billing and payment status information for a job without printing a report. Each line is detailed by date, type (invoice or payment), source code, reference number or comment, bill or payment amount, and any applicable retention amount. The total amount billed and total amount paid are displayed at the bottom of the window.



Job No.



1. Main


Customer No.

Bill Method

Job Address

Retention %


Job Status


Status Date


Estimated Start Date


Estimated Completion Date


Actual Start Date


Sort Field

Contract No.

Retain Transaction Detail


Unit of Measure

Job Type

Total (Unit of Measure)

Acctg Method

Calculate Sales Tax


2. Job Status


Actual % Complete

Original Contract

Date Reported

Revised Contract


3. Change Orders





Contract Amount


4. Billing History


Billing History List Box



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