J/C Period End Processing


Window Details


How Do I...



Perform Period-End and Year-End Processing










Related Topics



Job Close-Out Report

Job Cost Options


Job Cost History Purge Utility/Job Cost History Restore Utility

J/C Period-End and Year-End Processing Checklist

J/C Period End Reports

Job Cost FAQs

Period End Confirmation

 System FAQs



Select Job Cost Period End menu > Period End Processing.


Use Period End Processing to automatically perform either period-end or year-end processing based on the period entered at the Current Job Cost Period field in the Job Cost Options window.

Use Period End Processing to close the current period and increment the accounting period to the next period. Period-end processing is usually performed at the end of each accounting period, on the last business day of each month. Year-end processing takes place automatically when period-end processing is performed for the last period of the fiscal year.

Note Fields in the Job Cost Options window are used to determine the current accounting period and if retaining job cost history after year-end processing.

Warning Period End Processing cannot be performed if job billing is in progress (if the Job Billing Register has not been printed and updated), if the Daily Overhead Allocation Register or Monthly Overhead Allocation Report has been printed but not yet updated, or if the Daily Transaction Register has not been updated for all outstanding job transactions.

The following occurs during period-end or year-end:

Before performing period-end processing, the Job Close-Out Report must be printed and updated to the files. This report provides a final audit trail of all unit and cost information. If you are using Work-in-Process accounting, the job close-out update also clears outstanding work-in-process amounts and makes the necessary postings to the General Ledger module. The Work in Process Report and Job Transaction Detail Report should always b e printed before performing either period-end or year-end processing.

Warning Backing up your data is an important part of your daily, period-end, and year-end procedures. Back up all Job Cost data before performing period-end processing.



Full Period End Processing

Summarize Billed Cost Transactions

Full Period and Year End Processing

Purge/Archive Closed Jobs


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