J/C Period End Processing - Fields


J/C Period End Processing

Full Period End Processing

Select this option to perform routine period-end processing and clear the actual Cost to Date, Invoice Billed, and Payment Received fields for the period to date, along with period-to-date dollars and units totals for cost codes and/or cost types.

In addition, all cost detail with transaction dates on or before the period-end date specified are purged automatically and summarized by cost code/cost type for all jobs for which the Retain Transaction Detail check box is cleared on the Job Masterfile Maintenance Main tab.

Summary records for billed transactions are created with a source code of JS (job summary), and the transaction date is set to the period-end date. Any unbilled transactions are summarized with a source code of JU (job unbilled). Any unbilled transactions for Time and Material jobs are retained on file.

This option also purges closed jobs or archives them to history files, depending on the selection in the Retain Job Cost History check box in the Job Cost Options window. To be purged or archived to history, jobs must have a job status of "Closed" dated on or before the current period-ending date; the retention balance, deferred revenue, and unbilled cost for the job amount must be zero; and the unbilled cost amount for all individual cost code/cost types must be zero. Jobs archived to history can later be purged using the Job Cost History Purge Utility or restored to the active files using the Job Cost History Restore Utility.

Verify that the correct period and period-ending date appear. If the correct period-ending date does not appear, and you have been closing your periods on a regular basis, contact your authorized Sage Software business partner or Software Consultant for assistance. If the correct period-ending date does not appear, return to General Ledger Options and verify that the current period and/or year appears. If the General Ledger module is not installed, the period-ending date displayed defaults to the last day of the current month.


Full Period and Year End Processing

Select this option to perform the same functions as Full Period End Processing, and clear the year-to-date Actual Cost, Invoice Billed, and Payment Received fields, and the year-to-date dollars and units totals for cost codes/cost types. Cost code detail transactions are summarized and closed jobs are purged or archived to history files in the same manner as described in Full Period End Processing.

Select this option only at year end (your last fiscal accounting period).


Summarize Billed Cost Transactions

Select this option to perform the same procedure as Full Period End Processing to summarize billed cost transactions, but not clear any of the period-to-date data. This option is used to provide additional file space, as necessary.


Purge/Archive Closed Jobs

Select this option to perform the same procedure as Full Period End Processing to purge or archive closed jobs. This option can be performed any time during the period as necessary to provide additional space in the active files.

If you select Retain Job Cost History in the Job Cost Options window, the Purge/Archive Closed Jobs option saves closed jobs to history files instead of purging them completely from the system. The job information can later be purged from the history files using the Job Cost History Purge Utility or restored to the active files using the Job Cost History Restore Utility.

To be purged or archived, jobs must have a status of Closed; the retention balance, deferred revenue, and unbilled cost for the job amount must be zero; and the unbilled cost amount for all individual cost code/cost types must be zero.

Note When a job is archived using the Purge/Archive Jobs option and later restored from the history files to the active files, the period-to-date and year-to-date amounts displayed for the job in Job Masterfile Maintenance are the amounts that were on file on the date the job was archived, even if that period has since been closed. 

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