Job Masterfile Inquiry/Job Masterfile History Inquiry


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Job Masterfile Maintenance

Cost Code Detail

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Future (Job Status)

Cost Code Detail (Inquiry)

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Copy from Job





Select Job Cost Main menu > Job Masterfile Inquiry or Job Masterfile History Inquiry.  

The Change Orders tab is available only if the Allow Job Contract Change Orders check box is selected in the Job Cost Options window.


Use Job Masterfile Inquiry to review constant data, contract information, cost analysis detail, contract change order, cost code/cost type detail, cost transaction detail, billing and payment history, and job memos for each job in the job master file. Use Job Masterfile History Inquiry to review this information for jobs archived in the history files.

The information provided by Job Masterfile Inquiry and Job Masterfile History Inquiry cannot be edited. The System Security feature can be used to restrict access to Job Masterfile Maintenance to personnel authorized to add, delete, or maintain job information.

You can view the job description, customer number, job address, contract number, and date, billing method, job status, start date, and other constant data for a job. You can also view the costing and billing summary for each job, as well as the actual percentage of completion of a job contract.

The original estimate and revised estimate amounts are adjusted automatically as additional cost code detail entries are made. Period-to-date, year-to-date, and job-to-date actual costs; billed (invoiced) costs; and payments received are maintained as job activity is processed. The lower portion of the window recaps projected cost variances, total billed and unbilled costs, projected profit, and other cost-related information for active jobs. You may want to review this information periodically for an up-to-date financial analysis of any open job.

Change order detail displayed on the Change Orders is entered and retained by date, description, and amount, and is used to update the Revised Contract field on the Job Masterfile Maintenance Job Status tab.

You can view billing and payment status information for a job. Each line is detailed by date, type (invoice or payment), source code, reference number or comment, bill or payment amount, and any applicable retention amount. The total amount billed and total amount paid are displayed at the bottom of the window.



Job No.



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