Job Field Report Entry - Fields


Job Field Report Entry

Job No.

Enter the job number representing the job for which you want to enter completion status information, or click the Lookup button to list all job numbers. If the Define Job Statuses Allowed in Entry check box is selected in Job Cost Options, the system checks to see if the status of the job number entered is allowed in Job Status Maintenance.

If you enter a job number with a status that is not allowed, a message appears. If the appropriate security is set up in Role Maintenance, you can click Yes to enter the job number. If the appropriate security is not set up, you can click Yes to override security with a logon ID and password. In both cases, if you click No, the job number is removed from this field.

If completion status information has been previously entered for the job number but has not yet been updated to the Job file, the information originally recorded is displayed and can be modified.

Click the Memo button to display and/or maintain job memos. The Job Memo task is available only if Yes or Maintain is selected in the Allow Job Memo Inquiry from Data Entry field in Job Cost Options.


1. Header


Actual % Complete

Type the actual percentage of completion for the job, based on the job manager's evaluation of the current job status.


Date Reported

Type the date on which the Actual % Complete entry is being recorded. This date serves as a historical reference for job status information.


2. Lines


Cost Code

Enter the cost code for which completion status information will be entered for the job, or click the Lookup button to list all cost codes.


Cost Type

Select the cost type to be associated with detail costs for the current cost code. The cost types defined for the cost code appears in the drop-down list box in this field. For reference, the unit of measure associated with the cost type entered is displayed in the U/M field.


Vendor No.

For Subcontract cost types only, enter a vendor number from the Accounts Payable Vendor file, or click the Lookup button to list all vendor numbers.

Alternately, start typing a vendor name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the vendor number will appear in the field.

If you have divisional payables, the first two digits of the vendor number must be a valid division number.


Additional Units Completed

For cost codes/cost types with a defined unit of measure, type the number of units completed. You can type from zero to four decimal places depending on the entry made in the Number of Decimal Places in Unit Entries field in Job Cost Options. For first-time entries, this is the number of units completed since the start of the job. For update entries, this is the number of additional units completed since the last update was performed. For reference, the total estimated units and the job-to-date units posted to date are displayed in the status bar.


Reported % Complete

Type the actual percentage of completion for the cost code/cost type. For reference, the total estimated cost, job-to-date cost, calculated percentage of completion, and the completion method for the cost code/cost type are displayed in the status bar.


Report Date

Type the date on which the units completed or reported percentage of completion is being recorded.

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