Cost Code Maintenance


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How Do I...



Apply Cost Code Information to Jobs










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Apply Unit Cost and Bill Rate

Account Maintenance

Using Cost Codes





Select Job Cost Setup menu > Cost Code Maintenance.

The Expense Accounts tab is available only if the Post to G/L Work in Process check box is cleared in the Job Cost Options window.


Use Cost Code Maintenance to set up and maintain a set of standard cost codes. Cost codes can categorize costs incurred for a job and are the cornerstone of job costing.

Cost codes are used to track estimates, actual costs, and billing information for each job. Each cost code contains from three to nine alphanumeric characters that can be divided into two or three segments to accommodate individual reporting requirements. Segments are used to define cost categories (phase, subphase, step, etc.). If more than one segment is used, the first segment represents the phase number.

Each cost code can be subdivided by up to 12 cost types (Labor, Material, Subcontract, etc.). Cost types are established on the Job Cost Options Cost Type tab. For each cost code, you can specify which cost types to activate, and enter the standard unit of measure, unit cost, billing method, billing rate, and default general ledger accounts (when not posting work in process). Depending on how your business operates, you may have certain types of cost codes with costs confined primarily to one area, such as labor or subcontractor costs.

For posting purposes, all job cost transactions must be entered using the cost code and cost type in combination with the job number. The system accumulates and tracks all job-to-date costs according to the level of detail set up for each cost code.

You can enter the default general ledger expense account to use for posting Accounts Payable and Job Posting entries to the job. It is recommended that you assign default account numbers for each cost type to speed data entry. A default account number can be overridden by entering a different account number when posting transactions.

If you are not using Work-in-Process accounting, you can enter the Cost of Sale accounts on the Expense Accounts tab. If you are using Work-in-Process accounting, enter Work-in-Process and Cost of Sale accounts in Job Type Maintenance.

You can apply new cost tables entered during Cost Code Maintenance to existing jobs.



Cost Code




1. Main



Completion Method


Unit Cost

Bill Method

Bill Rate



2. Expense Accounts


G/L Expense Account



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