Period End Report Maintenance


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Select Paperless Office Setup menu > Period End Report Maintenance.

This task is available only if the Period End Reports check box is selected in the Paperless Office Options window.  


Use Period End Report Maintenance to set up options for storing period-end reports in PDF format. You can define a specific location to store reports, whether to automatically store them during printing, and whether to password-protect the documents.

These options can be defined by company and by module. You can use this flexibility to set up options for multiple modules, and then define options for any exceptions. For example, to automatically create PDF documents for period-end reports in all modules except Accounts Receivable, you could set up one record for all companies and all modules, and select to print PDFs automatically. Then you could set up another record for company ABC and the Accounts Receivable module, with a selection to not print PDFs automatically.

You can delete settings for PDF documents. Deleting a setting does not affect the actual report, only the PDF settings for that report.



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