Receipt History Inquiry


Window Details











Receipt History Inquiry is available only if Yes, Summary Only, or Until Period End is selected in the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options. The information in Receipt History Inquiry can only be viewed.

The Totals tab is not available if No is selected in the Retain Receipt History field in Purchase Order Options.


Use Receipt History Inquiry to view summary and detailed receipt information, including receipt header information and line item detail, and receipt address information. You can also view receipt total information.

The vendor number, name, address, ship to address, invoice total, and balance are shown for each receipt. Line item detail is also provided for each receipt. Receipts must be updated using Daily Receipt Registers/Update before they can be viewed. Returns must be updated using Return Order Register/Update before they can be viewed.

Note For miscellaneous or special items, postings are not made to the general ledger without a receipt of invoice, and therefore, will not appear on the General Ledger Detail by Source Report.



PO Number

Receipt Number



1. Header


Receipt History Information




2. Address


Address Information




3. Lines


Lines List Box




4. Totals


Totals Information



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