Receipt of Goods Register


The Receipt of Goods Register lists all entries made in Receipt of Goods Entry. Information detailed for each receipt number includes the purchase order number, vendor number, invoice number, date, COD number, item code, quantity ordered, received, quantity on back order, unit cost, an extended cost based on the quantity received, allocated freight, landed cost, and sales tax (if applicable). Dollar amount totals are provided for each receipt and for the report. The register can be used to check the accuracy of data entered before the information is updated to the Daily Transaction file.

If a purchase order is generated from a sales order, the sales order number is included.

If the Work Order module is integrated with Purchase Order, the work order number, step number, and transaction type are also printed if a line entry is costed to a work order.

All landed cost types and amounts added in Receipt of Goods Entry are printed on the Receipt of Goods Register. The landed cost allocated to each detail line is printed if the Print Landed Cost Allocation Detail on Register check box is selected in Purchase Order Options.

You can print the Receipt of Goods Register by selecting Daily Receipt Registers/Update or by clicking the Print button in Receipt of Goods Entry.

For more information, see Report Samples.

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