Purchase Order Recap  


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Purchase Order Options

Purge Completed or Cancelled P/O Recap



Select Purchase Order Reports menu > Purchase Order Recap.


Use Purchase Order Recap to provide a summary listing of purchase order numbers along with the order type, order status, vendor number, vendor name, required date, completed date, last receipt date, last invoice date, last invoice number, and the total order amount. For master and repeating order types, the expired date, last purchase order number, and last purchase order date are printed. You can select to print all purchase order statuses, or to include only open, completed, cancelled, or deleted purchase orders on the report. You can enter a selection of purchase order numbers, order dates, and user-defined fields (UDFs) to print.

Purchase order recap information can be automatically purged during period-end processing if the Purge Purchase Order Recap at Period End check box in the Purchase Order Options window is selected and there is no receipt history for that purchase order. If you cleared the check box, you can retain the recap information indefinitely and use the Purge Completed or Cancelled P/O Recap task on the Purchase Order Utilities menu to manually purge the recap information up to a specified date.

The total number of new, open, cancelled, and completed purchase orders is provided along with the order total of purchase orders printed on the report.

Note Deleted purchase orders are identified as Cancelled in the Status column on the report.



Report Setting

Purchase Order Types to Print


Purchase Order Statuses to Print



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