Customizing Nongraphical Check Printing


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The following table indicates what effect the field description has on check printing.

Field Description

Effect on Check

Earnings Description
Earnings Hours-All Empl

Earnings Current Amount

Earnings YTD Amount

Tax Information

Tax Code

Tax Description

Tax Current Amount

Tax YTD Amount

Deduction Information

Deduction Code

Deduction Description

Deduction Hours

Deduction Current Amount

Deduction YTD Amount

These fields print on the line specified within each check stub line grouping.

If the check stub has more than 13 detail lines, the first check is voided and the detail lines continue on the next stub.

Tax Information
Deduction Information

These fields allow you to specify in the Misc column whether or not a new column should be printed.

Check Amount
ANSI Check Amount 

These fields allow you to specify whether to print in standard format (the check amount is padded on the left with asterisks) or in ANSI format (the check amount is left justified with no asterisks or commas). To print in ANSI format, locate the Check Amount field on the Detail tab and change the Y setting to N in the Print? column. Locate the ANSI Check Amount field and change the N setting to Y in the Print? column. Enter the same line and tab values that were originally entered for the Check Amount field.


Expand/Collapse item  Column Data Areas

Earnings, tax, and deduction information is printed in columns in the earnings/deduction detail portion of the check stub, or "stub." The default format is divided into two column data areas. The first area is for earnings information and the second is for taxes and deductions, as illustrated by the sample check stub shown below.


11-0000100 THOMAS,J 986-53-1239 13.850 HW 05/31/98 012624



Regular 32.00 443.20 9,639.60 Federal W/H 57.05 1,233.63

Overtime 3.25 67.52 425.89 FICA 39.39 572.76

Holiday 8.00 110.80 493.20 E.I.C..003.05-

Sick Pay 1.00 13.85 124.65 MEDICARE 9.21 160.32

Bonus .00 .00 249.32 WI State W/H 38.17 635.77

Vacation Pay .00 .00 110.80 OSH Local DI 3.18 14.67

 Health Insur 60.00720.00

 Credit Union 100.00 1,900.00

 Pension Plan 6.93 138.86

 No Cash Fring 13.8527.70

You can reformat the default positions for printing earnings, tax, and deduction information by modifying the column data areas. For example, you can set up three data columns instead of two (for example, Earnings, Taxes, and Deductions), or you can print earnings and deductions vertically in one column, with one category following the other. Following the earnings/deduction information, you can also add printed messages such as Happy Holidays, Buy Savings Bonds, etc.

You can begin a new data column by accessing either the Tax Information or Deduction Information line and entering Y in the Misc Flag field on the Detail tab. You can print all data types in the same column by entering N. For example, if you enter Y in the Deduction Information line, all deductions and associated information prints to a separate column from the earnings information. The Misc column will display a Y or N, depending on your response.

For more information, see:

Payroll Check Printing

Print a Check in ANSI Format


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