Auto Pay - Fields


Auto Pay

Labor Distribution Code

Enter a labor distribution code to select only those employees who are assigned this code, or select the All check box to include all labor distribution codes. Click the Lookup button to list all labor distribution codes.


Pay Hourly Employees

Select this check box to automatically pay hourly employees.

Clear this check box to pay hourly employees using the Selective Payment Entry feature.


Pay Salaried Employees

Select this check box to pay salaried employees automatically.

Clear this check box to pay salaried employees using the Selective Payment Entry feature.


Standard Hours for this Payroll Cycle

This field displays the standard number of hours for the pay cycle selected in the Pay Cycle window, and can only be viewed.


Employee Number

Enter a range of employee numbers, or select the All check box to include active employee numbers. Click the Lookup button to list active employee numbers.


Earnings Code 1

This field displays the standard earnings code selected in the Pay Cycle window, and can only be viewed.


Hours 1

This field displays the hours selected in the Autopay Hours field on the Employee Maintenance Wages tab. This number is used to calculate earnings for this earnings code, unless a different number of hours is entered to override the autopay and standard hours for this pay cycle. If no autopay hours are specified for an employee, calculations are based on your entry in the Standard Hours for this Payroll Cycle field.


Earnings Code 2

Enter a second earnings code to automatically pay to the selected range of employees, or click the Lookup button to list all earnings codes. Earnings codes with fringe types cannot be entered for automatic payment.


Hours 2

This field displays the hours selected in the Autopay Hours field on the Employee Maintenance Wages tab. This number is used to calculate earnings for this earnings code, unless a different number of hours is entered to override the autopay and standard hours for this pay cycle. If no autopay hours are specified for an employee, calculations are based on your entry in the Standard Hours for this Payroll Cycle field.


Factor Regular Earnings for Salaried Employees

Select this check box to calculate salaried employees' earnings by dividing their pay rate by their autopay hours (their regular salary amount and hours recorded in the Employee master file), and then multiplying the resulting hourly rate by the override number of hours entered in the Hours 1 field. For example, you may want to factor salaried employee earnings if you want to separate regular earnings from vacation earnings. Clear this check box to pay salaried employees their regular salary amount for this pay cycle, regardless of the override hours entered.

This field is available only if you enter a number of hours in the Hours 1 field that differs from the hours in the Standard Hours for this Payroll Cycle field, and you are paying salaried employees.

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