RMA Item Selection


Window Details





Related Topics



RMA Entry



RMA Receipts Entry





Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use RMA Item Selection to view all items for the selected invoice. You can select one item, multiple items, or the entire invoice for return.

You can also enter entry defaults for the selected item(s) for the Customer Action, Item Action, Vendor Action, Return Reason, Cross Ship, and Credit Freight fields. These entry defaults appear during data entry on the RMA Entry Lines tab and RMA Receipts Entry Lines tab after selections are made in the RMA Item Selection window.

Note The RMA Item Selection window automatically appears when you enter an invoice number if the Auto Display Item Selection Screen check box is selected on the RMA Options Entry Options tab.



Invoice No.

Vendor Action

Customer No.

Return Reason

List Box


Customer Action

Cross Ship

Item Action

Credit Freight


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