RMA Receiver Printing - Fields


RMA Receiver Printing



Form Code

Enter a code to identify the printing format to use for this form, or click the Lookup button to list all form codes. Form codes can be established for different formats. To define a new format, enter a new form code. The Template Selection window appears, allowing you to select a template for the new format.

Click Designer to customize the form using Crystal Reports Designer. This button is available only if the Crystal Reports Designer software is installed on your workstation and the appropriate security is set up.

Note New form codes are saved for the current user and company. The last form code entered appears as the default code the next time this task is accessed.



Type the description of the form code.


Number of Copies

Select the number of copies to print.



Select this check box to print each copy of the report or form in proper binding order when printing multiple copies. Clear this check box if you do not want to collate the report or form. This check box is available only if the value selected in the Number of Copies field is greater than 1.


Multi-Part Form Enabled

Select this check box to enable multi-part printing using the Multi Part Form Maintenance window. The Multi Part button is available only if this check box is selected. Clear this check box to disable multi-part printing.

Multi-part printing allows you to print your documents to multiple locations. This functionality takes the place of preprinted multiple part carbon/carbonless forms.


Print RMAs on Hold

Select this check box to print return merchandise authorizations (RMAs) on hold. Clear this check box if you do not want to print RMAs on hold.


Print Charge Items

Select this check box to print charge items on RMAs. Clear this check box if you do not want to print charge items.


Print Comments

Select the type of comments to print.


Print Bill Options

Select this check box to print bill options on the form, including codes and descriptions. Clear this check box to exclude bill options on the form. This field is available only if the Bill of Materials module is installed.


Line Messages

Enter up to two lines of messages to print on the form.



Select an operand to limit your selection to a particular value or range of values. When selecting a value using the Lookup button or entering a value directly into the Value field (and moving out of the field), the operand automatically changes to Equal to. Likewise, when selecting a value using the Lookup button for a range or entering values directly into both Value fields, the operand automatically changes to Range.

The following operands are available:


Operand Function

AllSelects all information for the Select Field.
Begins withSelects only the information for the Select Field that begins with the value entered in the Value field.
Ends withSelects only the information for the Select Field that ends with the value entered in the Value field.
ContainsSelects only the information for the Select Field that contains the value entered in the Value field.
Less thanSelects only the information for the Select Field that is less than, but not equal to, the value entered in the Value field.
Greater thanSelects only the information for the Select Field that is greater than or equal to the value entered in the Value field.


When Range is selected, two Value fields are used. Information is selected that is greater than or equal to the first value entered and less than or equal to the second value entered in the Value fields.

Note Entries in the "From" Value field may change to the entry made in the "To" Value field, if the "From" Value contains a lowercase letter and the "To" Value contains an uppercase letter. This occurs because lowercase letters are greater than uppercase letters. For example, if 01a is entered in the "From" Value field and 01C is entered in the "To" Value field, the "From" Value field changes to 01C.

Equal to

Selects only the information for the Select Field that is equal to the value entered in the Value field.

Not Equal to

Selects only the information for the Select Field that is not equal to the value entered in the Value field.


Additional operands are available for date Select fields. The system date is used to calculate the date ranges. When one of the date operands is selected, the Value fields automatically default to the appropriate dates.

You can use commas (,) to separate multiple values; however, if your selection values already contain commas, you must use alternate separators to separate them.

Note When alternate separators are used, the value list must end with the alternate separator character.

The alternate separators include the following:

~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) = [ ] \ ; " / _ + { } | : < > ?

Note If you enter a value that contains a comma (for example, if a vendor number is 01-SAGE,WEST), then you must enclose the value with an alternate separator (for example, %01-SAGE,WEST%). Because the comma is a separator, if the value is not enclosed in alternate separators, the system can search for two incorrect values (for example, "01-SAGE" and "WEST", instead of "01-SAGE,WEST").

If your company uses commas in item codes, use an alternate separator to select one or multiple item codes.



Enter a value based on the operand entered, or click the Lookup or Calendar button to select a value from the list. Multiple values can be entered by using a comma or alternate separators to separate values.

You can enter single or multiple values as follows:



AllSelects all information for the Select Field.

Begins with

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Ends with

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.


Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Less thanOnly single values are allowed.
Greater thanOnly single values are allowed.
RangeBoth Value fields are used to define a range. Only single values are allowed at each Value field.
Equal toMultiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An OR condition is assumed.

Not Equal to

Multiple values are separated by a comma or alternate separator. An AND condition is assumed.

Note If you enter a value that contains a comma (for example, if a vendor number is 01-SAGE,WEST), then you must enclose the value with an alternate separator (for example, %01-SAGE,WEST%). Because the comma is a separator, if the value is not enclosed in alternate separators, the system can search for two incorrect values (for example, "01-SAGE" and "WEST", instead of "01-SAGE,WEST").



Select a printer or output method. The following output methods are available:

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