Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry


Window Details






Select Sales Order Inquiries menu > Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry.

This task is available only if the Retain Sales Order/Quote History check box is selected in Sales Order Options.


Use Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry to view sales order/quote history information. Deleted orders, quotes, and lines are also saved in history if Yes or Prompt is selected in the Retain Deleted Orders/Quotes in History and/or Retain Deleted Lines in History fields in Sales Order Options. If you are retaining deleted orders/quotes and/or lines using the Prompt option, you can also view the cancellation codes.

The information in Sales Order and Quote History Inquiry can only be viewed.

Note History is not retained for master orders or repeating orders; however, master orders and repeating orders can be tracked in Sales Order Recap.



Order Number




1. Header Information


Sales Order/Quote Information




2. Address


Address Information




3. Lines


Lines List Box




4. Totals


Sales Order/Quote Totals



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