Shipping Setup Options - Fields


Shipping Setup Options


1. Main


Automatically Increment Quantity

Select this check box to automatically increment the shipped quantity by 1 in Shipping Data Entry. If this check box is selected, scanning the item, selecting the item from the Lookup window, or entering the item code will increment the quantity by 1 in Shipping Data Entry. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically increment the shipped quantity by 1. The setting made in this field provides the default setting in the Auto Increment field in Shipping Data Entry.


Return Focus to Item Code after Entering Quantity

Select this check box to automatically return focus to the Item Code field after you enter the shipped quantity in Shipping Data Entry. If this check box is selected, use wedge scanners in place of keyboard entry to streamline data entry. This check box is available only if the Automatically Increment Quantity check box is cleared.


Auto Increment Qty Toggle

Type a keyword that can be used to produce a printed bar code value for scanning purposes in Shipping Data Entry. When you scan the bar-coded keyword, the setting for the Auto Increment check box toggles between selected and cleared. This field defaults to **AUTO**.


Next Package No.

Type a keyword that can be used to produce a printed bar code value for scanning purposes in Shipping Data Entry. When you scan the bar-coded keyword, the Current Package field increments. This field defaults to **PKG**.


Automatically Print Shipping Documents

Select this check box to allow the automatic printing of shipping documents in Shipping Data Entry when the shipper clicks Accept for a shipment. Documents printed include the packing list, invoice, or both, based on the selection made in the Shipping Document to Print field. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the automatic printing of shipping documents.


Shipping Document to Print

If the Automatically Print Shipping Documents check box is selected, select the documents to automatically print (packing list, invoice, or both) in Shipping Data Entry. If the Automatically Print Shipping Documents check box is cleared, select which documents will print when you click the Quick Print or Printer button in Shipping Data Entry or when you select Packing List Printing or Invoice Printing on the Shipping menu.


Print Additional Packing Lists with Contents

Select this check box to print additional packing lists with contents for multiple packages. When this check box is selected, the Print Additional Packing Lists with Contents check box is selected by default in Packing List Printing. In this case, if the shipping entry has multiple packages, the standard packing list prints followed by a packing list for each package with the contents. Information on packing lists prints based on the detail information in Item Packaging Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to print additional packing lists with contents for multiple packages.


Print Shipping Exception Report with Sales Journal

Select this check box to print the Shipping Exception Report with the Sales Journal. The Shipping Exception Report indicates when certain changes were made in Shipping Data Entry, such as changes to the ship-to address or ship via. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the Shipping Exception Report.


2. Defaults


Shipping Function

Select the default shipping function to use when creating shipper IDs in Shipper ID Maintenance. There are two primary shipping functions

Note For a line to be resolved, all items ordered on that line must either be shipped or backordered.


Allow Changes to Warehouse on Lines

Select this check box to allow the shipper to make warehouse changes on lines in Shipping Data Entry, if the appropriate security is set up. The setting made in this check box provides the default setting in the Allow Changes to Warehouse on Lines check box in Shipper ID Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to make warehouse changes on lines.

Note If this check box is cleared and the item is pulled from a warehouse other than the one specified on the lines, inventory will not be updated correctly.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Shipping Quantities is selected in the Shipping Function field, if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and set up for the current company, and if Yes is selected in the Require Multiple Warehouses field in Inventory Management Options.


Allow Changes to Unit of Measure on Lines

Select this check box to allow the shipper to make unit of measure changes on lines in Shipping Data Entry. The setting made in this check box provides the default setting in the Allow Changes to U/M on Lines check box in Shipper ID Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to make unit of measure changes on lines.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Shipping Quantities is selected in the Shipping Function field and if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and set up for the current company.


Allow Changes to Backordered Quantity on Lines

Select this check box to allow the shipper to make adjustments to the Backordered field in Shipping Data Entry. If this check box is selected, the shipper can change the backordered quantity to any number less than or equal to the quantity ordered minus the quantity shipped. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to change the Backordered field.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Shipping Quantities is selected in the Shipping Function field.


Allow Changes to Ship To Location

Select this check box to allow the shipper to change the Ship To Location field in Shipping Data Entry. In addition, a global password in the Password Required for Shippers to Change Warehouse, U/M, Ship To, or Ship Via field can be assigned. The setting made in this check box provides the default setting in the Allow Changes to Ship To Location check box in Shipper ID Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to make ship-to changes.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Freight/Tracking is selected in the Shipping Function field.


Allow Changes to Ship Via

Select this check box to allow the shipper to make ship-via changes in Shipping Data Entry. In addition, a global password in the Password Required for Shippers to Change Warehouse, U/M, Ship To, or Ship Via field can be assigned. The setting made in this check box provides the default setting in the Allow Changes to Ship Via check box in Shipper ID Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to make ship-via changes.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Freight/Tracking is selected in the Shipping Function field.


Allow Entry of Freight and Weight

Select this check box to allow the shipper to make freight/weight changes in Shipping Data Entry. The setting made at this check box provides the default setting in the Allow Entry of Freight/Weight check box in Shipper ID Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to make freight/weight changes.

This field is available only if Both or Enter Freight/Tracking is selected in the Shipping Function field.


3. Entry


Order to Display Lines

Select the order to display lines in Shipping Data Entry. To perform shipping entry in the same order as the goods are picked, select the same option in this field that you select in the Print Picking Sheets By field in Sales Order Options.


Allow Alternate Items

Select this check box to allow the shipper to replace an existing item in Shipping Data Entry with an alternate item that has been defined in Item Maintenance. Clear the check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to replace an existing item. This field is available only if the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order and set up for the current company.


Allow Overshipment on Lines

Select this check box to allow the shipper to overship the order by entering a shipped quantity that exceeds the ordered quantity. Clear the check box if you do not want to allow the shipper to overship the order.


Allow Comments on Item Lines

Select this check box to allow the shipper to edit comment text for each item in Shipping Data Entry. Clear this check box to disable the Comment field in Shipping Data Entry. If this check box is cleared, the shipper is also not allowed to add miscellaneous comment items in Shipping Data Entry.


Prompt for Backorder on Partial Shipment

Select this check box to prompt the shipper to backorder lines when the quantity shipped is less than the quantity ordered on any line. The prompt appears when exiting the Lines tab either by clicking Accept or by clicking the Shipping tab. If this check box is selected, Shipping Data Entry verifies that all lines have been resolved when the shipper clicks Accept or clicks the Shipping tab. Lines are considered resolved when the quantity ordered equals or is greater than the quantity shipped plus quantity backordered. If any lines are not resolved, the shipper is returned to the Lines tab where all unresolved lines are indicated with the word "SHIP." The shipper must then either place the remaining quantity on backorder or increase the shipped quantity. If this check box is cleared, all lines are resolved automatically when the shipper clicks Accept or clicks the Shipping tab, by placing the difference between the quantity ordered and quantity shipped on backorder.

Note To place items on back order in Shipping Data Entry, the appropriate security must be set up.


Default Shipper ID on the Next Shipping Number

Select this check box to automatically default the shipper ID on the next new shipping number. This option allows the shipper to perform data entry without entering the shipper ID for each record. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically default the shipper ID on the next new shipping number. The shipper ID defaults regardless of the function being performed, such as Accept, Delete, or Cancel.


Display Invoice Total

Select this check box to display the invoice total on the Shipping Data Entry Shipping tab. Clear this check box if you do not want to display the invoice total.

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