Enter Options for Standard Bills and Sales Kits


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To enter options for a standard bill or sales kit

  1. Select Bill of Materials Main menu > Bill of Materials Maintenance.

  1. Enter the bill or kit.

  2. Select the Bill Has Options check box, and define the option categories for the bill or kit. For more information, see Bill of Materials Maintenance - Fields.

  3. Click the drop-down button in the top right corner of the window and select Option Bills.

  4. In the Option Bill Maintenance window, enter the option codes for each category, and click Accept to return to the Bill of Materials Maintenance window. For more information, see Option Bill Maintenance - Fields.

  1. In Bill of Materials Maintenance, click Accept.

  2. Select Sales Order Main menu > Sales Order Entry or Invoice Data Entry (depending on whether you are entering a sales order or an invoice).

  3. Enter the appropriate information on the Header and Address tabs. For more information, see Sales Order Entry - Fields or S/O Invoice Data Entry - Fields.

  4. On the Lines tab, in the Item Code field, enter the bill or sales kit. If you have entered a sales kit, select to order the kit from stock or by component if prompted.

Note  A standard bill with options cannot be exploded to order by component and does not print on picking sheets. To print the bill, you must use Bill of Materials Picking Sheet Printing instead.

  1. Select the bill or sales kit line and click the Bill Options button on the toolbar.

  2. In the Option Selection window, enter the option codes to use. If an option category is defined as required in Bill of Materials Maintenance, the Required check box is automatically selected and you must enter an option. For more information, see Option Selection - Fields.

  3. Click OK.

Options are defined for the standard bill or sales kit. If you entered a non-stocked sales kit, the component items required for each option are added to the order automatically, in addition to the standard components for the sales kit.

If you entered a standard bill or kit from stock, you are taken to the next sales order or invoice line. After the bill or sales kit line entry is completed, you cannot change the options information.