AR_CreditCardCommonEntry, IT_ShoppingCart_bus, IT_ShoppingCart_upd |
LOCAL cARDivisionNoCol$="ARDivisionNo$" AR DivisionNo Column Name, Default = ARDivisionNo$, Pre-Child Collection validation to insure the AR Divsion Number and Customer Number columns are set prior to attempting the child collection validation. |
LOCAL cCustomerNoCol$="CustomerNo$" CustomerNo Column Name, Default = CustomerNo$, Pre-Child Collection validation to insure the AR Divsion Number and Customer Number columns are set prior to attempting the child collection validation. |
LOCAL ccpNOTSUPPLIED$="not supplied" used to submit a required SPS column value not otherwise set |
PROPERTY ARCreditCard * Read Only * File Handle to AR_CreditCard class for processing credit card/ACH tranactions. |
PROPERTY AllowCreditCard * Read Only * AllowCreditCard = Boolean when true, Entry of credit card/ACH information is allowed |
PROPERTY AllowCreditCardVoidReAuth * Read Only * AllowCreditCardVoidReAuth = Boolean when true user has the right to void / reauthorize previously authorized credit card transactions |
PROPERTY AllowACHVoidReAuth * Read Only * AllowACHVoidReAuth = Boolean when true user has the right to void / reauthorize previously authorized ACH transactions |
PROPERTY AllowOverrideCCOnCM * Read Only * AllowOverrideCCOnCM = Boolean when true user has right to use any credit card and transaction amount on a credit memo |
PROPERTY PaymentTypeMethod$ * Read Only * PaymentTypeMethod$ = Returns pmtACH$ (A), pmtCHECK$ (C), pmtCREDIT$ (R), pmtOTHER$ (O) or pmtCOD$ (D) from AR Payment Type record |
PROPERTY AllowCorporateCard * Read Only * AllowCorporateCard = Boolean when true, AR Payment type is configured to allow processing of corporate credit card level 2 transaction requests |
PROPERTY ShowCorporateCCLevel3 * Read Only * ShowCorporateCCLevel3 = Boolean when true, AR Payment type is configured to append corporate level 3 data elements to corporate card level 2 data elements when processing of corporate credit card transaction requests |
PROPERTY AddCorporateCardLevel3$ * Read Only * AddCorporateCardLevel3$ when isYES$, current document is setup to append corporate card level 3 data elements to corporate card level 2 data elements when processing of corporate credit card transaction requests |
PROPERTY SPSPaymentType * Read Only * SPSPaymentType = Boolean when true, Merchant ID and Key in AR Payment type has been validated as a CreditCard/ACH type with SPS Exchange |
PROPERTY SPSEnabled * Read Only * SPS Enabled = Boolean when true, SPS Exchange has been enabled in Company Maintenance |
PROPERTY CreditCardUI Credit Card UI = Boolean when true, SPS Exchange UI will be defaulted on (for use with AR_CreditCardCommonEntry_ui and data entry programs) |
PROPERTY Source$ Source table to retrieve record for credit card/ACH transaction |
PROPERTY Request_v1 * Read Only * Handle to SPS Exchange top level Request Object (instantiated in ARCreditCard) |
PROPERTY SOIntegrated * Read Only * [Boolean] When true SO has been setup for the current company |
PROPERTY ITIntegrated * Read Only * [Boolean] When true IT has been setup for the current company |
PROPERTY LastPaymentEMVReceipt$ * Read Only * XML Snippet of EMV Receipt returned for last payment transaction request processed on current document |
PROPERTY LastDepositEMVReceipt$ * Read Only * XML Snippet of EMV Receipt returned for last depposit transaction request processed on current document (applies on SO documents only) |
FUNCTION AddNewCreditCard(pmtType$, cc$, yr$, mo$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION AddNewCreditCard(pmtType$, cc$, yr$, mo$, fromEbmStore) Add new credit card to SPS Vault, When successful, CreditCardGUID$, CreditCardID$, Last4UnencryptedCreditCardNos$, ExpirationDateYear$, ExpirationDateMonth$, CardType$ is set via SetPartialRecord()) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION CheckCreditCardTrackingID(ccTrackingID$, transactionProcessed) Query SPS Exchange to retrieve status of transaction previously submitted | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION ClearCreditCardInfo() Clear all Credit Card/ACH Specific Columns | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION GetNextCreditCardID(nextCardID$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION GetNextCreditCardID(nextCardID$, fromEbmStore) Get Next Available Credit Card ID number (divNo, CustNo and pmtType must be set in busObj) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION GetPrimaryCreditCard(ccGUID$, divNo$, custNo$, payMethod$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION GetPrimaryCreditCard(ccGUID$, divNo$, custNo$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION GetPrimaryCreditCard(ccGUID$) Get Primary Credit Card/ACH GUID From AR_Customer | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION ProcessCCVoid() sets the cProcessCCVoid local property to true so the void transaction will be processed when previously authorized when deleting (existing records) or clearing (new records) the record state | ||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(void, inclUI, type$, key$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(void, inclUI, type$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(void, inclUI) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(void, type$, key$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(key$, rec$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard(key$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION ProcessCreditCard() Process credit card/ACH transaction | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION ProcessVault(service$, payType$, guid$, last4Nos$, expYear$, expMonth$, cardType$, last4RoutingNo$, last4AcctNo$, acctType$) Use AR_CreditCard'ProcessVault to Create or Update credit card or bank account data in Sage Exchange Vault (includes display of SPS Vault dialog) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION SkipCCVoid() sets the cSkipCCVoid local property to true so the void transaction will not be processed when previously authorized when deleting (existing records) or clearing (new records) the record state | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL AddLevel3LineItem(nP, nLvl3) Pre Credit Card Adds Level 3 line to LineItems arrary | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL AddLevel3LineItems(oDtl, oPmnt, srce$) Corporate Card - Add Line Item Detail method | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CheckAmount(value, column$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CheckAmount(value) Vaildate credit card transaction amount and CorporateSalesTax amount submissions | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardSubmit(progressBar, message$, title$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardSubmit(progressBar, message$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardSubmit(progressBar) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardSubmit() Submit Credit Card/ACH Transaction to SPS | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL GetCardIDTables(tables$, keyNos$, fromEbmStore) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL GetCardIDTables(tables$, keyNos$) Open tables to check for the existience of a CreditCardID (used by the GetNextCreditCardID() method). | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL GetPaymentTypeProperties(pmtType$) | ||||||||||||||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL GetPaymentTypeProperties() Get Payment Type Properties, common method to set PaymentTypeMethod$, AllowCorporateCard and SPSPaymentType public properties | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL PostCreditCardSubmit() Post Credit Card/ACH Submit customization method, will not affect transaction request success / failure return value | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL PreCreditCardSubmit() Pre Credit Card/ACH Submit customization method, transaction request will be aborted when failure returned | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL ResolveAVSState(country$, stateCode$, out.StateValue$) Resolves state to either a state code for Canada and the US or to the state name for international addresses | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL SetSource(srce$) Set Source tables, Called when setting the Source propertey | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL SetSourceInfo(srce$, type$, void, creditMemo, soDeposit, TransactionType$, Reference1$, Amount, preAuthCol$) Set credit card/ACH tansaction information based upon source location | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL SetUIOptions() Set SPS UI options | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL TranslateDateTime(dateIn$, authDate$, authTime$) Translate transaction date time stamp returned by SPS Exchange to authorization date and authorization time | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL TranslateTime(timeIn$, authTime$) Translate authorization time to decimal format | ||||||||||||||||||||||
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pmtACH$, pmtCHECK$, pmtCREDIT$, pmtOTHER$, pmtCOD$, typPAYMENT$, typDEPOSIT$ |
AESCipher$, AES256Cipher$ |
CheckExpirationDate(), DetermineCardType$() |
GetCalendarEndingDate(), GetDefaultExtendedDescriptionKey$() |
ConfirmAESKey(), ConfirmPassword(), EncryptAESData(), EncryptAESKey(), EncryptAESPassword(), EncryptPassword(), GetAESDataTest$(), PasswordAcceptable(), ValidateAESData(), ValidateAESPassword(), ValidatePassword(), VerifyAESDataEncryption(), DecryptAESData(), DecryptAESKey(), DecryptAESPassword(), DecryptAltAESData(), DecryptPassword(), EncryptAltAESData(), GetKEK$(), InitAESKey(), InitializeAES(), InitializeAltAES(), ValidateAltAESData(), VerifyAltAESDataEncryption() |
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