AR_CreditCardCommon, CI_Country_val, CI_CreditCardGUID_val, CI_CreditCardID_val, CI_PaymentType_val, CI_ZIPCode_val |
AR_CashReceipts_bus, AR_CommonEntry, AR_InvoiceHistoryInquiry_bus, SO_BatchAuthorizationList_rpt, SO_CommonPayment_bus, SO_SalesOrderHistoryInquiry_bus |
PROPERTY SYS_CreditCardBatchAuthTrans$ * Read Only * Process in Batch Default (retrieved from SY_Company.CreditCardBatchAuthTrans$ column value). |
PROPERTY AllowChangeAfterProcessing * Read Only * Allow change to the document after credit card has been processed. It is also used in CI_CreditCardID_val. |
PROPERTY AR_SalesTaxReporting$ * Read Only * |
PROPERTY oCustomerChild * Read Only * oCustomerChild - handle to AR CustomerNo child object |
PROPERTY CreditCardIdentifierCol$ * Read Only * Column to use when determining if a credit card transaction type applies in the current record |
PROPERTY CreditCardImpliedWrite Boolean property that when true indicates the record has just been written by CreditCardImpliedWrite and security access will not be changed to ViewOnly just yet |
PROPERTY ProcessInBatch$ Yes / No property that stores the current Process in Batch option for the current record (default value = SY_Company.CreditCardBatchAuthTrans$ column value). |
PROPERTY SwipeCard Boolean property that when true indicates the Swipe Card check box has been selected in the credit card UI object. (This property always defaults to false.) |
PROPERTY CorporateID$ * Read Only * Returns CorporateCustIDPurchOrder$, used by detail busObj to determine whether to add-in or back-out CorporateSalesTax (when CorporateSalesTax has not been overridded by user, CorporateTaxOverrd$ = "Y") |
PROPERTY CCTransExistsInBatch * Read Only * Boolean property that when true indicates a record exists in the batch that contains an authorized credit card transaction tied to a payment type setup to process credit card transactions via SPS Exchange. |
PROPERTY ACHTransExistsInBatch * Read Only * Boolean property that when true indicates a record exists in the batch that contains an authorized ACH transaction tied to a payment type setup to process ACH transactions via SPS Exchange. |
PROPERTY CreditCardIDCols$ * Read Only * CreditCardID destination ("MAIN") columns included in CreditCardID child collection mappings |
PROPERTY CreditCardAddressCols$ * Read Only * CreditCard Address destination ("MAIN") columns included in CreditCardID collection mappings |
PROPERTY CustomerAddressCols$ * Read Only * CustomerAddress source columns ("CustomerNo") used to default credit card address column from customer child collection mappings |
PROPERTY VaultOnly Boolean property to indicate that we only want to access the Sage Exchange vault |
PROPERTY InFixMode Boolean property to indicate that user clicked Fix button to enter authorization info. Some validation rules will be skipped. |
PROPERTY SaveVaultRecOnly Boolean property to indicate that only expiration date, card type, and Last 4 digits should be updated to customer credit card record |
PROPERTY CreditCardDefaultErrorNum$ Property to identify when default credit card could not be set due to invalid expiration date error. When applicable, it will be set with the message library entry to use to display a warning message. |
PROPERTY SE_ARAllowAddEditCreditCards * Read Only * Flag set for value of the Allow Access to add/edit credit card module option |
PROPERTY SE_ARAllowAddEditACH * Read Only * Flag set for value of the Allow Access to add/edit ACH module option |
FUNCTION BatchPreDelete(tmpBatchNo$) Standard method called from SY_BatchManagerSelect_UI'BT_Delete() via coBusiness'PreDelete() to perform pre-Delete logic | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION CheckDeleteSecurity(tmpBatchNo$) Standard method in SY_BatchManagerSelect_UI used to determine if selected batch can be deleted, overridden to check for credit card transactions and if the user has sufficient rights to void credit card transactions and delete records with them | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION CheckRequired() | ||||||||||
FUNCTION CheckRequired(columns$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION CheckRequired(columns$, expression) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION CheckRequired(columns$, expression, fromBT_Creditcard) Verify required columns have been set | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
FUNCTION CreditCardPreClear() Pre Clear credit card validation | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
FUNCTION CreditCardPreDelete() Determines if document has authorized SPS credit card transaction that needs to be voided | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
FUNCTION CreditCardPreWrite() | ||||||||||
FUNCTION CreditCardPreWrite(skipProcessCC) Pre-Write Credit Card validations | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION CreditCardSetDocumentDefaults() Set default values of document level properties | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
FUNCTION DefaultSalesTaxInfo() Set Corporate Sales Tax Specific columns to their default values | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CCTransInBatch(tmpBatchNo$) Cycle thru entries in a batch and set CCTransExistsInBatch and ACHTransExistsInBatch properties to true when CC authorized vis SPS Exchange exists | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CheckForCCPayments(invoiceNo$, invoiceType$, defaultCC, includeACH) This function finds all on-file SPS credit cards used in payment history (cPmtHistCreditCardIDList$) and calculates the maximum credit allowed on credit card (cMaxCCPaymentToApply). This function defaults credit card ID from payment history if defaultCC is set to 1 | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CleanUpVault() Clean-up Vault for GUID's generated not retained and not in AR_CustomerCreditCard | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardPostClear() Clears credit card properties | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardPostDelete() Post Delete credit card validation | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardPostWrite() | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardPostWrite(skipCleanUpVault) Post-Write Credit Card updates | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL CreditCardTransAmt() Calculates credit card transaction amount | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL GetARSalesTax(salesTax) Retrieve pro rata sales tax amount outstanding on invoices paid by credit card in cash receipts entry | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL IsCreditCardAuthorized() | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL IsCreditCardAuthorized(authOnThisDocOnly) Determine if a SPS credit card has been authorized | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL IsCreditCardGUIDOnFile(guid$, pmtType$) This function checks if a credit card GUID exists in customer credit card file or related data entry file. It is used to determine if GUID can be removed from vault. | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL SetCurrentKey(key$) Set Current Key - executed after successful SetKey() on all records, used to reset ProcessInBatch$ property to the proper default value | ||||||||||
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| ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL SetDefaults() | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL SetDefaults(paymentMethod$) Set Defaults - Set column default values on new records not set via dictionary defaults | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateAuthorizationTime(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateCorporateCustIDPurchOrder(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateCorporateSalesTax(value) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateCorporateTaxOverrd(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateCreditCardAuthorizationNo(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateCreditCardTransactionID(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateExpirationDateMonth(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateExpirationDateYear(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateGroupACH() ACH Group Validation, used to insure ACH columns are only set when an ACH payment is being entered | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateGroupCreditCard() Credit Card Group Validation, used to insure credit card columns are only set when a credit card payment is being entered | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateGroupPayment() Payment Group Validation, used to insure columns are only set when a credit card or ACH payment is being entered | ||||||||||
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FUNCTION LOCAL ValidatePaymentType(value$) | ||||||||||
FUNCTION LOCAL ValidateSaveCreditCard(value$) Validates SaveCreditCard | ||||||||||
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cARDivisionNoCol$, cCustomerNoCol$, ccpNOTSUPPLIED$, ARCreditCard, AllowCreditCard, AllowCreditCardVoidReAuth, AllowACHVoidReAuth, AllowOverrideCCOnCM, PaymentTypeMethod$, AllowCorporateCard, ShowCorporateCCLevel3, AddCorporateCardLevel3$, SPSPaymentType, SPSEnabled, CreditCardUI, Source$, Request_v1, SOIntegrated, ITIntegrated, LastPaymentEMVReceipt$, LastDepositEMVReceipt$ |
cARDivisionNoCol$, cCustomerNoCol$, AllowCreditCard, AllowACH |
cARDivisionNoCol$, cCustomerNoCol$, IgnoreNOF, SkipClearCCInfo |
AddNewCreditCard(), CheckCreditCardTrackingID(), ClearCreditCardInfo(), GetNextCreditCardID(), GetPrimaryCreditCard(), ProcessCCVoid(), ProcessCreditCard(), ProcessVault(), SkipCCVoid(), AddLevel3LineItem(), AddLevel3LineItems(), CheckAmount(), CreditCardSubmit(), GetCardIDTables(), GetPaymentTypeProperties(), PostCreditCardSubmit(), PreCreditCardSubmit(), ResolveAVSState(), SetSource(), SetSourceInfo(), SetUIOptions(), TranslateDateTime(), TranslateTime() |
ClassValidateCountry() |
ClassValidateCreditCardGUID() |
CardIDOnFile(), ClassValidateCreditCardID() |
ClassValidatePaymentType() |
ClassValidateZIPCode() |
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