Office Delivery Options (Customer / Vendor Maintenance)
This field displays the customer number entered in Customer Maintenance, and can only be viewed. This field appears only if this task is accessed from Customer Maintenance.
This field displays the vendor number entered in Vendor Maintenance, and can only be viewed. This field appears only if this task is accessed from Vendor Maintenance.
Select the form to define delivery options for. This field displays all forms set up in Paperless Office Form Maintenance for customers or vendors. If only one form is set up, this field displays that form and can only be viewed. For more information, see Form Maintenance and Form Types in Paperless Office.
1. Main
Select this check box to print a hard copy of the form in addition to storing it as a PDF document. Some Paperless Office output options are available in printing windows only if this check box is selected. For more information, see Paperless Office Output Options.
Select this check box to e-mail the form to the e-mail addresses defined on the E-mail tab, in addition to storing it as a PDF document. Forms are e-mailed as PDF attachments, with one PDF document attached to each e-mail. If this check box is selected, you must define at least one recipient e-mail address on the E-mail tab. Clear this check box to store the form as a PDF document without sending it by e-mail.
Some Paperless Office output options are available in printing windows only if this check box is selected. For more information, see Paperless Office Output Options.
Select this check box to fax the form to the fax numbers defined on the Fax tab, in addition to storing it as a PDF document. If this check box is selected, you must define at least one recipient fax number on the Fax tab. Clear this check box to store the form as a PDF document without sending it by fax.
Some Paperless Office output options are available in printing windows only if this check box is selected. For more information, see Paperless Office Output Options.
Type the password that is used to open PDF documents created for the selected form. You can type up to 32 characters.
2. E-mail
This tab is available only if the E-mail check box is selected on the Main tab.
Use E-mail Address in Data Entry
Select this check box to e-mail the selected form to the e-mail address entered in the appropriate data entry task.
An e-mail address can be entered for customers in A/R Invoice Data Entry, Sales Order Entry, S/O Invoice Data Entry, and RMA Entry. An e-mail can be entered for vendors in Purchase Order Entry and Return Order Entry.
Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the e-mail address entered in the data entry task.
Select this check box to e-mail the selected form to the e-mail address entered in Customer Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the customer e-mail address. This check box is available only if this task is accessed from Customer Maintenance, and an e-mail address is entered for the customer in the E-mail Address field in the Customer Maintenance window.
The customer e-mail address is displayed to the right of this check box.
Select this check box to e-mail the selected form to the e-mail address entered in Vendor Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the vendor e-mail address. This check box is available only if this task is accessed from Vendor Maintenance, and an e-mail address is entered for the vendor in the E-mail Address field in the Vendor Maintenance window.
The vendor e-mail address is displayed to the right of this check box.
Enter the contact code of the person to e-mail the selected form to, or click the Lookup button to list all contacts for this customer or vendor. The form is sent to the e-mail address entered for the contact in Customer Contact Maintenance or Vendor Contact Maintenance. The e-mail address of the selected contact is displayed.
Select an option to determine whether the email address is added to the To, Cc, or Bcc field.
Type any additional e-mail addresses to use when e-mailing the selected form to the customer or vendor.
3. Fax
This tab is available only if the Fax check box is selected on the Main tab.
Select this check box to fax the selected form to the fax number entered in the data entry task. Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the fax number entered in the data entry task.
For customers, a fax number can be entered in Accounts Receivable Invoice Data Entry, Sales Order Entry, S/O Invoice Data Entry, and RMA Entry. For vendors, a fax number can be entered in Purchase Order Entry.
Select this check box to fax the selected form to the fax number entered in Customer Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the customer fax number. This check box is available only if a fax number is entered for this customer at the Fax field in the Customer Maintenance window.
The customer fax number is displayed to the right of this check box.
Select this check box to fax the selected form to the fax number entered in Vendor Maintenance. Clear this check box if you do not want to send the form to the vendor fax number. This check box is available only if a fax number is entered for this vendor in the Fax field in the Vendor Maintenance window.
The vendor fax number is displayed to the right of this check box.
Enter the contact code to fax the selected form to, or click the Lookup button to list all contacts for this customer or vendor. The form is sent to the fax number entered for the contact in Customer Contact Maintenance or Vendor Contact Maintenance. The contact name and fax number of the selected contact are displayed.
Type any additional fax numbers, starting with the area code, and names to use when faxing the selected form to the customer or vendor.
Note The fax number must include the area code to process a fax.