Enter a Credit or Debit Memo


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To issue a credit or debit memo to adjust an invoice after it is updated

  1. Select Sales Order Main menu > Invoice Data Entry.

  2. In the Invoice No. field, enter the debit or credit memo number. For more information, see S/O Invoice Data Entry - Fields.

  3. In the Invoice Type field, select Debit Memo or Credit Memo, as appropriate.

  4. To apply the debit or credit memo to a specific invoice, in the Apply to Inv # field, select the invoice number to apply the debit or credit memo to. Debit and credit memos can be applied to a specific invoice or can be used to credit a customer’s entire balance.

Note If you are using the bill-to/sold-to feature and the invoice was created using a bill-to customer, select the sold-to customer number for the debit or credit memo.

Note This step does not apply to balance-forward customers.

  1. Enter each item quantity and dollar amount as a positive number. The system reverses the amount signs automatically, depending on the selection in the Invoice Type field, before applying the amount to the appropriate account.

  2. Distribute lot and serial numbers as needed. Enter the quantities as a positive number. The items will be returned to stock and the lot or serial tier will be updated accordingly. For more information, see Distribute Lot/Serial Items.

  3. When you have completed your entries, print the debit or credit memo by clicking Print or by selecting Sales Order Main menu > S/O Invoice Printing.

    Note The invoice can be printed only if the Print Invoice check box is selected.

  4. Click Accept. Print and update the Daily Sales Journal and Daily Transaction Register.

    Note Depending on your security setup, the Daily Transaction Register may be automatically printed and updated.

The debit or credit amounts are displayed on the customer's statement, along with the original invoice if open.