Additional Fields


Window Details




Related Topics


Invoice History Inquiry

Sales Order Options

Receipt History Inquiry

Purchase Order Options



Access this window using one of the following methods:


Use Additional Fields to view additional information for the invoice or receipt selected.

For the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules

Additional information that can be viewed includes the sales account, cost of goods sold account, date promised, discount percentage, product type, price level, product line, price code, costing method, job number, cost code, cost type, purchase order number and purchase order required date.


  • The Purchase Order No. and PO Required Date fields are available only if the Purchase Order module is activated.
  • The Sales Order No. field is available only for invoices to which multiple sales orders have been applied.
  • The Customer PO No. field is available only if multiple sales orders have been applied to the invoice and more than one customer purchase order was used for the sales orders.

For the Purchase Order module

Additional information that can be viewed includes the previous quantity received and invoiced, original order quantity, original order unit cost, original order warehouse, general ledger account, weight, weight reference, required date, vendor item code, item type, product type, product line, cost description, tax class, use tax, job number, cost code, cost type, sales order number, and customer purchase order number.
