Customer Maintenance / Customer Inquiry


Window Details









How Do I



Recalculate Aging

Recalculate High Balances

Create a Relationship between a Customer and a Sage CRM Company

Delete a Relationship between a Customer and a Sage CRM Company

Set Up Paperless Office




Related Topics



Customer Numbering Methods

Customer Relationship Management FAQs

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Encryption for Inactive Customers' Information



To access Customer Maintenance, select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Maintenance.

To access Customer Inquiry, select Accounts Receivable Main menu > Customer Inquiry.

Customer Inquiry fields can only be viewed.

Note When this task is accessed from Sage CRM, the system date is automatically used as the accounting date.


Use Customer Maintenance to create and maintain detailed records for each of your customers. This task provides several major functions that allow you to set up, maintain, and inquire about customers, including:

If the Customer Relationship Management module is set up, you can create and maintain relationships between customers and Sage CRM companies. You can also maintain the Sage CRM Prospects customer, which is a single shared customer record in Accounts Receivable that allows you to define default information for all Sage CRM prospect companies that are not related to Accounts Receivable customers. The Sage CRM Prospects information is then defaulted into all prospect quotes.

The Sage CRM Prospects customer record in Sage 100 represents multiple prospect companies in the Sage CRM system; therefore, do not enter specific information for this customer record unless it can be used for all prospect quotes.

If a relationship is created between a customer and Sage CRM company, relationships for customer contacts and ship-to addresses can be created separately in Customer Contact Maintenance and Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance. Deleting a relationship between a customer and Sage CRM company automatically deletes the customer contact and ship-to address relationships for that customer and company.

Customer records can be deleted only if there is no outstanding activity for that customer. If there is activity, such as pending orders or e-mails for the customer, you must wait until all open invoices for the customer are paid and purged before you proceed with the record deletion, or use the Delete and Change Customers utility.

Note If a customer with a Sage CRM relationship is deleted, the relationship with the Sage CRM company is deleted, but the Sage CRM company record itself is not deleted from the Sage CRM system. The Sage CRM Prospects customer in Sage 100 cannot be deleted, copied, or renumbered in Customer Maintenance.



Customer No.



1. Main





ZIP/Postal Code






E-mail Address

URL Address

Terms Code

Primary Contact

Ship Code

Primary Ship To


Tax Schedule

Tax Exemption No.

Credit Hold

Credit Limit


2. Additional



Open Item Customer

Internet Enabled

Customer Status

PII Encrypted

Inactive Reason

Price Level

Default Payment Type

Discount Rate

Finance Charge Rate

Item Code

Default Cost Code

Default Cost Type

eInvoice Payments



Customer Type

Statement Cycle

Print Dunning Message

Batch Fax

Payment ID

Payment Type


Last Four Routing

Last Four Digits

Expiration Date

Relate to Sage CRM

Sage CRM Company



3. Statistics


Last Payment Date

Last Statement Date

Last Finance Charge Date

Last Payment Amount

Highest Balance

Unpaid Finance Charges

Average Days to Pay

Average Days Overdue

Date Established

Date of Last Activity

Credit Hold

Credit Limit

Aging as Of




4. Summary


Fiscal Period

Fiscal Year


Cost of Goods Sold

Percent Profit

Cash Received

No. of Invoices

Finance Charge

No. of Finance Charges




5. History


Sales and Payment History

Fiscal Year



6. Invoices


Invoices List Boxes



7. Transactions


Transactions List Box



8. S/Os


S/Os List Box