Summary Drill Down - Fields


Summary Drill Down

Account No.

This field displays the account number selected in Account Maintenance and can only be viewed.


Posting Date

This field displays the period-end date of the period the selected transactions are posted and can only be viewed.



This field displays a combination of short descriptions defined for the segments of the account number displayed in the Account No. field and can only be viewed. Each segment is separated with an account separator defined in Account Structure Maintenance.


Journal No.

This field displays the source journal and journal number of the transactions selected and can only be viewed. The description of the source journal also appears.



This field displays the invoice number or purchase order receipt number and can only be viewed.


Sequence / Receipt

This field displays the sequence number or receipt number of the source document and can only be viewed.

  • If the source document is a receipt of invoice, this field displays the sequence number for the invoice. Invoices from the same source module with the same invoice number have different sequence numbers.

  • If the source document is a purchase order receipt of goods, this field displays the receipt number.



This field displays the source module the transaction was posted from and can only be viewed. Transactions can be posted in summary to General Ledger from the Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Purchase Order, and Sales Order modules.



This field indicates whether the source document is an invoice and can only be viewed. If the source document is not an invoice, this field is blank.


Customer / Vendor

This field displays the customer number or vendor number for the invoice or purchase order receipt and can only be viewed.