General Ledger Detail by Source Report


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Select General Ledger Reports menu > General Ledger Detail by Source Report.


The General Ledger Detail by Source Report provides a recap of general ledger transactions sorted by source journal and posting date. You can include journals posted in General Ledger, journals posted in other modules, or both.

The account number, account description, and posting amount print for each account. In addition, you can select whether to print comments entered on the Lines tab in one of three formats.

A subtotal is provided for each source journal. If a source journal is out of balance, a not-in-balance message prints next to the journal number, and a similar message prints near the report totals.

You can enter a selection of source journals, journal and register numbers, posting dates, and source modules to print. By entering these selections, you can obtain a listing of journal postings that allows you to identify pertinent transactions.



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