Print a Report, Listing, or Form


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All reports, listings, and forms can be printed, exported, or written to a file, and stored for deferred printing. You can print a report, listing, or form to a variety of printers or output devices. Additionally, reports, listings, and forms can be viewed before printing using the Preview feature.

Report, listing, and form windows in some modules allow you to select output methods, such as export to MS Office, export only the data portion of the report, and defer the printing of the report, listing, or form.


Use one of the following methods to print or preview a report, listing, or form:

Note The date that appears on reports, listings, or forms can be set and formatted in Windows Control Panel. In Control Panel, use Date/Time to set the date, and Regional and Language Options to modify the date format.

To print or preview a listing

Some tasks in the software provide listings that display the settings made in that window. For example, if you select certain settings in General Ledger Options, clicking the Print button allows you to print or preview a listing of these settings.

  1. In the task window that has the Listing feature available (for example, General Ledger Options), click the Print button.

  2. In the listing window that appears, in the Printer/Output field, located in the lower-left corner of the window, select the printer.

You can also select additional output methods, which are available in the Printer/Output field including:

  • Deferred: Printing can be deferred allowing you to save listings on your hard drive for printing at a future time. For more information, see Deferred Printing.

  • Export: Listings can be exported to different file types, such as PDF or Excel, and saved to your hard drive. For more information, see Export or Print to a File.

  • Data Only Export: This option allows only the data portion of the listing to be exported (header information is excluded). For more information, see Export or Print to a File.

  • Note This option is available only if the listing contains header information.

  • Office Merge: Allows you to access or add a template in Excel or Word format and export data to that template. For more information, see Office Template Manager.

  1. Click Preview to preview the listing. Click the Browse buttons to page through the listing.

Note You can change the default zoom setting when previewing a listing in User Maintenance. For more information, see Change Default Report Preview Zoom Setting.

  1. Click the Search Text button to search for specific information in the listing.

  2. Click the Print Report button to print the listing.

The listing is printed.

Note You can also click Print in the listing window to print the listing.

To print or preview a report

  1. In the report window, in the Report Setting field, select the report setting. You can either accept the default settings for the current report settings or create a report setting based on the existing report.

Note The standard set of reports is assigned a report setting of Standard.

To create a new report setting:

  1. Enter information in the applicable fields in the report window.

  2. Click the Save drop-down arrow and select Save As.

  3. In the Save As Report Setting window, enter information for the report setting you are creating, and then Click OK. For more information, see Save As Report Setting - Fields and Create a Report Setting.

Note You do not need to save the report settings to print the report.

  1. In the report window, in the Printer/Output field, located in the lower-left corner of the window, select the printer.

You can also select additional output methods, which are available in the Printer/Output field including:

  • Deferred: Printing can be deferred allowing you to save reports on your hard drive for printing at a future time. For more information, see Deferred Printing.

  • Export: Reports can be exported to different file types, such as PDF or Excel, and saved to your hard drive. For more information, see Export or Print to a File.

  • Data Only Export: This option allows only the data portion of the report to be exported (header information is excluded). For more information, see Export or Print to a File.

Note This option is available only if the report contains header information.

  • Office Merge: Allows you to access or add a template in Excel or Word format and export data to that template. For more information, see Office Template Manager.

  1. Select the Keep Window Open After Print check box to keep the window open after printing the report. Select the Keep Window Open After Preview check box to keep the window open after previewing the report.

  2. Click Preview to preview the report. Click the Browse buttons to page through the report.

Note You can change the default zoom setting when previewing a report in User Maintenance. For more information, see Change Default Report Preview Zoom Setting.

  1. Click the Search Text button to search for specific information in the report.

  2. Click the Print button to print the report.

The report is printed.

Note You can also click Print in the report window to print the report.

To print or preview a form

  1. In the form window, in the Form Code field, enter a form code to print, or enter a new form code to create a new format.

  2. Select the Multi-Part Form Enabled check box to print your documents to multiple locations using Multi-Part Form Maintenance.

  3. Enter information in the applicable fields.

  4. Click Designer to customize the form using the SAP Crystal Reports software.

Note You do not need to customize the form to print it.

  1. In the Printer/Output field, located in the lower-left corner of the window, select the printer.

You can also select additional output methods, which are available in the Printer/Output field including:

  • Deferred: Printing can be deferred allowing you to save forms on your hard drive for printing at a future time. For more information, see Deferred Printing.

  • Export: Forms can be exported to different file types, such as PDF or Excel, and saved to your hard drive. For more information, see Export or Print to a File.

  1. Select the Keep Window Open After Print check box to keep the window open after printing the report. Select the Keep Window Open After Preview check box to keep the window open after previewing the report.

  2. Click Preview to preview the form. Click the Browse buttons to page through the form.

Note You can change the default zoom setting when previewing forms in User Maintenance. For more information, see Change Default Report Preview Zoom Setting.

  1. Click the Search Text button to search for specific information in the form.

  2. Click the Print button to print the form.

The form is printed.

Note You can also click Print in the form printing window to print the form.