Customer / Item
Pricing Maintenance
For Customer Pricing Maintenance, enter the item code, or click the Lookup button to list all item codes.
Alternately, start typing an item description to locate an item. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select an item from the list, and the item code will appear in the field.
Click the Customer Price Schedule List button to list all existing price schedules for this customer.
For Item Pricing Maintenance, this field displays the item code selected in Item Maintenance and can only be viewed.
Select the pricing option for the item.
Select Item Pricing to price by item. If the Accounts Receivable module is not installed, the Item Pricing option appears in this field and can only be viewed.
Select Customer Price Schedule to establish a custom price schedule for a specific customer. This option is available only if the Accounts Receivable module is integrated with Inventory Management.
If Item Pricing is selected in the Pricing Option field, enter the price level using the customer price levels defined in the Customer file, or click the Lookup button to list all price levels. You can create as many price levels as required for this item.
Note The price levels entered in this field must match the customer price levels in the Accounts Receivable module.
If Customer Price Schedule is selected in the Pricing Option field, enter the customer number from the Customer file for which you want to establish custom pricing, or click the Lookup button to list all customer numbers.
Alternately, start typing a customer name to locate a record. As you type, a list of records matching your entry appears. You can then select a record from the list, and the customer number will appear in the field.
Click the Customer Price Schedule List button to list all existing customer price schedules for this item.
For Customer Pricing Maintenance, this field displays the customer number selected in Customer Maintenance and can only be viewed.
Select a pricing method.
Select Cost Markup Amount to add a dollar amount to the item's standard cost.
Select Cost Markup % to add a percentage of the item's standard cost to the item's standard cost.
Select Price Discount Amount to subtract a dollar amount from the item's standard price.
Select Price Discount % to subtract a percentage of the item's standard price from the item's standard price.
Select Price Override to use a fixed sale price amount that overrides the calculation process and all information in the files.
Standard Price / Standard Cost
These fields display the item's standard price and standard cost and can only be viewed.
Note The Standard Cost field is available only with the appropriate security setup.
This field displays the starting quantity for each quantity break and can only be viewed.
Type the maximum quantity for each quantity break, or click the Calculator button to enter a quantity using the calculator.
Markup Amount / Markup % / Discount Amount / Discount % / Unit Price
Depending on the selection made in the Price Method field, type one of the following, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount or percentage using the calculator.
If Cost Markup Amount or Cost Markup % is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the markup amount or percent.
If Price Discount Amount or Price Discount % is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the price discount amount or percent.
If Price Override is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the unit price.
If an option other than Price Override is selected, the unit price is calculated and appears in the Unit Price field (based on the option selected in the Pricing Method field).
If Price Override is selected in the Pricing Method field, type the unit price. If any other option is selected at the Pricing Method field, this field displays the unit price based on the option selected and can only be viewed.