Reorder Maintenance - Fields


Reorder Maintenance

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Item Code

This field displays the item code selected in Item Maintenance and can only be viewed.


Standard Unit of Measure

This field displays the item's standard unit of measure and can only be viewed.



Enter the warehouse code for the location to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to view all warehouses. This field is available only if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.

You can view the sum of each column for all warehouse records at the bottom of the grid. Totals are recalculated when a row is changed, resetting a row or all rows, or clearing a row.

Click the Show/Hide Inactive Warehouses button to the right of the grid to either show or hide inactive warehouses. The button is available only when the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in Inventory Management Options.



This field displays the warehouse description, and can only be viewed.


Bin Location

Type the bin location for this item in the warehouse. This code normally reflects a row and bin number of a specific location within a warehouse. During the Physical Count process, all items can be printed by bin location on the Physical Count Worksheet. Labels and other inventory reports can also be sorted by bin location.

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Reorder Method

Select the reorder method.

  • Select Economic Quantity to reorder by the most economic quantity. If the available quantity falls to or below the reorder point, the recommended reorder amount is the quantity entered in the Economic Qty field.

  • Select Maximum Stock Level to maintain an available stock level that does not exceed a set maximum. If the available quantity falls to or below the reorder point, the recommended reorder amount is the difference between the maximum on-hand amount and the quantity available.

  • Select Reorder Point to maintain the available quantity at the reorder point. The recommended reorder quantity is the difference between the reorder point and the quantity available.

  • Select None when no record exists for the warehouse.

The reorder method is used to generate a recommended reorder quantity on the Inventory Reorder Report. The recommended reorder quantity is based on the actual quantity available (the on-hand quantity increased or decreased by the quantity on sales order, on purchase order, on work ticket, and required for work tickets, and on back order) and your entries in the Economic Qty, Reorder Point Qty, Min Order Qty, and Max On Hand Qty fields. This field is available only for the default warehouse if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected and the Reorder by Warehouse check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options.


Economic Qty

Type the number of the most economical order quantity for this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. This amount is the quantity normally reordered when the available stock falls to or below the reorder point. This field is available only for the default warehouse if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected and the Reorder by Warehouse check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options.


Reorder Point Qty

Type the minimum available quantity at which to reorder this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. As an aid to purchasing, you can print a report showing every item for which the available quantity is at or below its reorder point. This field is available only for the default warehouse if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected and the Reorder by Warehouse check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options.


Min Order Qty

Type the minimum quantity to reorder at one time, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. If a minimum order quantity is entered, the recommended reorder quantity is never less than the minimum order quantity, regardless of the reorder method. This field is available only for the default warehouse if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected and the Reorder by Warehouse check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options.


Max On Hand Qty

If Maximum Stock Level is selected in the Reorder Method field, type the maximum level for this item, or click the Calculator button to enter an amount using the calculator. You must type an amount that is as large as, or larger than, the amount entered in the Reorder Point Qty field plus the smallest order quantity you would ever order.

If Economic Quantity or Reorder Point is selected in the Reorder Method field, type a quantity that will print on the Inventory Reorder Report. This field is available only for the default warehouse if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected and the Reorder by Warehouse check box is cleared in Inventory Management Options.


Totals Grid

Use this grid to view a sum of each column for all warehouses. This grid can only be viewed.