Inventory Reorder Report


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Item Maintenance



Select Inventory Management Reports menu > Inventory Reorder Report.


Use Inventory Reorder Report to list current on hand, purchase order, sales order, and back order quantity information for each selected item. In addition, the report prints a recommended reorder quantity, which is based on the reorder information entered in Item Maintenance. You can print reorder information or actual period-to-date, year-to-date, and prior-year quantities sold.

You can enter a selection of item codes, product lines, primary vendor numbers, item descriptions, inventory cycles, warehouses, bin locations, user-defined categories (if descriptions have been entered in Inventory Management Options), and user-defined fields (UDFs). By entering these selections, you can obtain a list of items that allows you to identify pertinent information.

You can elect whether to include expired lot and serial items. If you exclude expired items, they are reflected in the On Hand quantity but not in the Available quantity.

Note This report prints the item's primary vendor information and does not include other vendors associated with the item.



Report Setting



Default Report

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Three Hole Punch

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Procurement Types to Print

Print Inactive Items

Include in Quantity Available the Recommended Order Calculation

Include All Expired Lot/Serial Items in Quantity Available

Print Items at or Below the Reorder Point Only

Include Zero Purchase Quantity Items

Print Warehouse Detail

Print Usage Detail




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