Job Schedule Report


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Report Sample






Select Job Cost Report menu > Job Schedule Report.


The Job Schedule Report uses information entered in Job Maintenance to produce a bar chart schedule of job activities detailed by cost code, phase, and job number. For each cost code associated with the job, the days to start, days to complete, and completion date are charted by month and day.

This report can be sorted by any of the standard sort options and can be summarized by cost code, phase, or job. If the Use Sub-Job Number check box is selected in the Job Cost Options window, the Job Summary option provides schedules by subjob number (that is, the last three characters of the job number), with consolidated, start-to-finish schedules by master job number.



Report Setting

Sort Options


Starting Date

Setting Options: Type

Number of Work Days per Week

Setting Options: Print Report Settings

Job Schedule Detail Option

Setting Options: Number of Copies Selections: Operand
Setting Options: Default Report Selections: Value
Setting Options: Three Hole Punch Printer/Output
Setting Options: Collated Keep Window Open After Print