Company Maintenance - Fields


Company Maintenance

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Company Code

Enter the company code to add or maintain, or click the Lookup button to display all company codes. The company code entered must contain three characters.


Company Name

Type the name of the company to display in the system and print on reports.


Company Type

Select a company type.

If a company type is Live or Archive, you will not be able to delete or overwrite it without the appropriate security setup.

The company type appears in task window title bars for the types specified on the Preferences panel in System Configuration.


Use as Default Company for Server Settings

Select this check box to designate the selected company as the default company for specific settings, such as the fax settings on the Fax tab. If this check box is selected, you cannot clear the check box directly; you must first designate another company as the default. This ensures that only one company is designated as the default at a time.


1. Main



Enter the country code. Click the Lookup button to view a list of all country codes.



Type the company's address. Up to four address lines can be entered.


ZIP/Postal Code

Enter the ZIP Code or postal code. Enter a code that's not on file to add it on the fly. When you enter a code that's on file, the City and State/Province fields are automatically filled in.



Enter the city. If a known ZIP Code or postal code is entered, the city is entered automatically.



Enter the state or province. If a known ZIP Code or postal code is entered, the state or province is entered automatically.



Enter the company telephone number. You do not need to type any special characters when entering this information; it is inserted automatically.

Select the type of telephone number from the list to the right.



Type the company's fax number starting with the area code. You do not need to type any punctuation when entering this information; it is inserted automatically.


E-mail Address

Enter the company e-mail address. This e-mail address is used as the default company e-mail address in Paperless Office. Click the E-mail button to compose an e-mail in your default e-mail application.


URL Address

Type the company's URL address. Click the Internet Explorer button to launch the default Web browser.



This field displays the names of all installed and activated modules for the company selected and can only be viewed.


Data Level

This field displays the data levels for the installed and activated modules for the company selected and can only be viewed.


2. Additional



Enter the contact name.



Enter the contact's title.



Enter the contact's telephone number. Select the telephone type from the list to the right of the extension field.



Enter the contact's extension number.


E-mail Address

Enter the contact's email address. Click the E-mail button to compose an e-mail in your default e-mail application.


Trade Name

Enter the company trade name if it is different from the company name.

Note A trade name is a name that is used to identify a product or service. In general, the trade name, also known as business name or brand name, is the name under which your company does its business.


Federal ID No.

Enter the company's Federal ID number.


State ID No.

Enter the company's state ID number.


3. Preferences


Print User Logon on Reports

Select this check box to print the user logon of the person generating a report or listing on all reports. Clear this check box if you do not want to print the user logon on each report.


Use Workstation Default Printer for STANDARD Report Setting

Select this check box to default to the workstation's default printer for the STANDARD report setting. Clear this check box to default to the last printer saved for the STANDARD report setting. If a printer was not saved for the STANDARD report setting, the default will be the workstation's default printer.


Use Workstation Default Printer for STANDARD Form Code

Select this check box to default to the workstation's default printer for the STANDARD form code. Clear this check box to default to the last printer saved for the STANDARD form code. If a printer was not saved for the STANDARD form code, the default will be the workstation's default printer.


Allow External Access

Select this check box to allow the company to be accessed externally through the company's objects, such as VBScript, JavaScript, or other programs that are not based on Sage 100. Clear this check box if you do not want to allow the company to be accessed externally.

Note This feature does not affect access through ODBC, nor does it affect the ability to have stand-alone tasks on your desktop.


Return City Names in All Caps

Select this check box to display the city name in all uppercase letters when a valid ZIP Code is entered. Clear this check box to display the city name in sentence case.


Default Country Code

Enter the country code to use as the default selection when creating new records that include an address in some tasks. Click the Lookup button to view a list of country codes.


Data Location

This field displays the location of the data for this company, and can only be viewed. The data for this company is located in a folder called MAS_XXX (where XXX represents the company code). Click Change Data Location to change the folder of the company data.

Note To facilitate the construction of ODBC drivers, alternate folders are placed in the MAS_XXX folder.

For example, if you enter D:\myfiles\someplace\ , the path will be appended as follows:


The data location is appended to the front of the file definition to get the physical file location of the data file.

Note This field and the Change Data Location button are not available for Sage 100 Premium.


Payroll Data Location

This field displays the location of the MAS_XXX folder (where XXX represents the company code) where all payroll data files reside for company XXX, and can only be viewed. Click Change Data Location to change the folder of the company payroll data.

If you do not enter this field, all data files (including payroll data files) will be stored in the location entered in the Data Location field.

Note This field and the Change Data Location button are not available for Sage 100 Premium.


Display Inactive Customers

Select this check box to display inactive customers in ALE lookups. Clear this check box to exclude inactive customers from ALE lookups.

Click the + graphic next to a module to see which windows will display inactive customers.

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Payable

  • AP from AR Clearing Entry

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Receivable

  • Cash Receipts Entry

  • Finance Charge Entry

  • Invoice Data Entry

  • Repetitive Invoice Entry

Expand/Collapse item eBusiness Manager

  • User ID Maintenance

Expand/Collapse item Job Cost

  • Job Billing Data Entry

  • Job Estimate Maintenance

  • Job Masterfile Maintenance (for open jobs only)

Expand/Collapse item Return Merchandise Authorization

  • RMA Entry

  • RMA Receipts Entry

Expand/Collapse item Sales Order

  • Invoice Data Entry

  • Sales Order Entry


Display Inactive Vendors

Select this check box to display inactive vendors in ALE lookups. Clear this check box to exclude inactive vendors from ALE lookups.

Click the + graphic next to a module to see which windows will display inactive vendors.

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Payable

  • AP from AR Clearing Entry

  • Check and Electronic Payment Maintenance

  • Invoice Data Entry

  • Manual Check and Payment Entry

  • Repetitive Invoice Entry

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Receivable

  • Salesperson Maintenance

Expand/Collapse item Inventory Management

  • Item Maintenance

Expand/Collapse item Job Cost

  • Job Masterfile Maintenance (for cost codes only)

  • Job Posting Entry (for direct costs only)

Expand/Collapse item Purchase Order

  • Purchase Order Entry

  • Receipt of Goods Entry

  • Receipt of Invoice Entry

  • Return of Goods Entry

Expand/Collapse item Return Merchandise Authorization

  • RMA Entry

  • RMA Receipts Entry

Expand/Collapse item Sales Order

  • Sales Order Entry

  • Invoice Data Entry


Display Inactive Items

Select this check box to display inactive items in ALE lookups. Clear this check box to exclude inactive items from ALE lookups.

In windows that allow you to enter inactive items, you can still type in the item code even if this check box is selected. In the following modules all item code fields allow inactive items:

  • Bill of Materials
  • Material Requirements Planning
  • Production Management (based on role security setup)

The following modules have a limited number of windows that accept inactive item numbers.


Display Inactive/Restricted Warehouses

Select this check box to display inactive and restricted warehouses in ALE lookups. Clear this check box to exclude inactive and restricted warehouses from ALE lookups.

Click the + graphic next to a module to see which windows will display inactive and restricted warehouses.

Expand/Collapse item Accounts Receivable

  • Customer Ship-To Address Maintenance (accessed through Customer Maintenance)

  • Internet Customer (accessed through Customer Maintenance)

Expand/Collapse item Bill of Materials

  • Disassembly Entry
  • Production Entry

Expand/Collapse item Inventory Management

  • Count Card Entry
  • Item Maintenance
  • Inventory Management Options

  • Physical Count Entry
  • Transaction Entry

Expand/Collapse item Purchase Order

  • Material Requisition Entry
  • Purchase Order Entry
  • Purchase Order Options
  • Receipt of Goods Entry

  • Receipt of Invoice Entry

  • Return of Goods Entry

  • Ship-To Address Maintenance

Expand/Collapse item Return Merchandise Authorization

  • RMA Entry
  • RMA Options

  • RMA Receipts Entry

Expand/Collapse item Sales Order

  • Invoice Data Entry

  • Sales Order Entry
  • Sales Order Options

  • Shipping Data Entry


Enable Web Services

Select this check box to enable eBusiness Web Services for the selected company. Clear this check box if you do not want to enable eBusiness Web Services for the selected company. This field is available only if the eBusiness Web Services module is installed.


4. Dates



Prompt for Accounting Date

Select this check box to allow the system to prompt users for the accounting date each time a different module is accessed for that session. Clear this check box if you do not want the system to prompt users for the accounting date.


Auto Set Accounting Date from System Date

Select this check box to automatically set the accounting date for all modules from the workstation's system date. Clear this check box if you do not want to automatically set the accounting date for all modules from the workstation's system date.

This check box is available only if the Prompt for Accounting Date check box is cleared.


Restrict Accounting Date to Current and One Future Period

Select this check box to restrict the accounting date to the current and one future period. Clear this check box if you do not want to restrict the accounting date to the current and one future period. This option only applies to the Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory Management, Job Cost, Purchase Order, Return Merchandise Authorization, and Sales Order modules. A warning appears if you attempt to select an accounting date that falls outside the current and one future period for the active module.

This setting affects the accounting date only. It does not restrict changes to the general ledger posting date.

Note If users are set up, you must verify the security setup of the users to restrict the accounting date.


Use Document Warning Date

Select this check box to enable the document date checking feature. After selecting this check box, you can enter a value in one or both of the following fields:

  • Document Date - Prior Periods to Allow Outside of Current Period
  • Document Date - Future Periods to Allow Outside of Current Period

These values are compared to the current period entered in the module's Options task to determine when a date falls outside of the valid date range. Alternately, in Bill of Materials, Inventory Management, Purchase Order, Return Merchandise, and Sales Order, the values are compared to the current calendar month and year if Calendar Months is selected in the Base Inventory Periods On field in Inventory Management Options.

If you start to create a document with a date that falls outside of the valid range, you'll receive one of two messages:

  • If you're using the default date for that session, a warning message appears, and you can click OK to continue.
  • If you manually enter the date, a warning message asks if you want to proceed. If you click Yes to continue with the date entered, a record is written to the Activity Log.

If you import records with a document date falling outside of the specified range through Visual Integrator, a warning is written to the Import Log.


Document Date - Prior Periods to Allow Outside of Current Period

Enter the number of periods leading up to the current period in which a date can be entered without triggering a warning message.

This field is available if the Use Document Warning Date check box is selected.


Document Date - Future Periods to Allow Outside of Current Period

Enter the number of future periods in which a document date can be entered without triggering a warning message.

This field is available if the Use Document Warning Date check box is selected.


5. Payment


Enable Payments

Select an option to enable credit card processing, ACH payment processing, or both.

This field is available only if the Credit Card Processing module is activated.



Enter the number of seconds to wait for the server to authorize credit card and ACH payment transactions. You can enter from 90 to 999 seconds in this field. For example, type 120 to allow the server 120 seconds to authorize a transaction. If the authorization does not occur within 120 seconds, the "Not captured, timeout" message appears and the authorization attempt ends.

This field is available only if an option other than None is selected in the Enable Payments field.


Default Transactions to Process in Batch

Select this check box to default the Process in Batch check box to selected in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules. If the Process in Batch check box is selected by default, the credit card transaction requests are automatically submitted as part of the Cash Receipts Journal, A/R Sales Journal, Daily Sales Order Sales Journal when the Perform Payment Processing check box is selected and the journals are printed. Credit card requests are also submitted as part of the Sales Order Batch Authorization process.

Clear this check box if you do not want to default the Process in Batch check box to selected in the Accounts Receivable and Sales Order modules. If the Process in Batch check box is cleared, the credit card transactions can be manually submitted by clicking Submit Card/ACH Account or Accept in Cash Receipts Entry, A/R Invoice Data Entry, Sales Order Entry, and S/O Invoice Data Entry.

Note Select this check box if holding orders or invoices after 7 days because the pre-authorization on payments will expire before the post-authorization is processed.

This field is available only if Credit Cards or Both Credit Cards and ACH is selected in the Enable Payments field.


Activate Debugging Log

Select this check box to activate the debugging log. The debugging log is a text file that includes the credit card and ACH payment requests that are sent to Paya Exchange and the responses received from Paya Exchange.

The log file name is ccp_tran.log, and it is located in the MAS90\Home folder. Clear this check box if you do not want to activate the debugging log.

This check box is available only if an option other than None is selected in the Enable Payments field.


Activate Debugging Display

Select this check box to display the transaction requests sent to and the response received from Paya Exchange. The log file name is ccp_tran.log and is located in the MAS90\Home folder. Clear this check box if you do not want to display the transaction requests and responses.

This check box is available only if an option other than None is selected in the Enable Payments field.


Vault-Only ID / Virtual Terminal ID

The Vault-Only ID field displays the ID number for your Paya (formerly Sage Payment Solutions) Vault-only account. This field appears only if you have a Vault-only account, and it can only be viewed.

If you select Credit Cards or Both Credit Cards and ACH in the Enable Payments field, the system checks to see if this ID and the key entered in the Vault-Only Key field result in a valid processor connection with Paya Exchange.

If a valid processor connection is not established, a message appears asking if you want to enter a valid virtual terminal ID and merchant key. If you click Yes, this field's label changes to Virtual Terminal ID, and it becomes available for entering the virtual terminal ID associated with your processing account.

For more information, see Vault-Only Accounts and Convert a Vault-Only Account to a Processing Account.


Vault-Only Key / Merchant Key

The Vault-Only Key field displays the key for your Paya (formerly Sage Payment Solutions) Vault-only account. This field appears only if you have a Vault-only account, and it can only be viewed.

If you select Credit Cards or Both Credit Cards and ACH in the Enable Payments field, the system checks to see if this key and the ID entered in the Vault-Only ID field result in a valid processor connection with Paya Exchange.

If a valid processor connection is not established, a message appears asking if you want to enter a valid virtual terminal ID and merchant key. If you click Yes, this field's label changes to Merchant Key, and it becomes available for entering the key associated with your processing account.

Note Vault-Only accounts apply only to credit cards, and not to ACH accounts.

For more information, see Vault-Only Accounts and Convert a Vault-Only Account to a Processing Account.


Enable Payments for eInvoices

Select this check box to enable eInvoicing. eInvoicing is a service that works through Paya Connect to email invoices to your customers.

For more information, see eInvoicing.

Clear this check box if you don't want to enable eInvoicing.

This field is available if a valid user ID and API key have been entered in System Configuration.

Note If you've enabled eInvoicing and have open invoices that have been or will be processed through Paya Connect, you cannot clear this check box.


Enable Sync for Sage Connect

This check box is selected automatically if the company is integrated with Sage Connect, an application built on Sage Network platform. This check box is cleared automatically if the company is not integrated with Sage Connect. The field can only be viewed.

For information on Sage 100 integration with Sage Connect, see Set Up Sage Connect Integration.

Note A company integrated with Sage Connect cannot be deleted in Company Maintenance until it is disconnected from Sage Connect. For more information, see Change the Sage Connect Setup Settings.

Note A company using eInvoicing through Paya Connect cannot be integrated with Sage Connect.


6. E-mail


Authentication Method

Select an authentication method.

  • Basic authentication requires the use of a user name and password.

    If you select Basic, 25 is the default value in the Port field.

  • OAuth (Open Authorization) is an open standard authorization protocol used to grant access using access tokens instead of sharing a user name and password.

    If you're going to use the OAuth method, you will need to obtain your OAuth client credentials from your authenticating application, such as Microsoft or Google.

    If you select OAuth, 587 is the default value in the Port field and TLS is the default SMTP Encryption type.



Type the DNS address or IP address of the SMTP e-mail server.



Type the port ID that the SMTP e-mail server is using if it is not using the default port.

If you selected Basic as the authentication method, the default port is 25. If you selected OAuth, the default port is 587 and the default Encryption is TLS.


SMTP Encryption

Select the type of encryption to use between the SMTP client and SMTP server when sending e-mail.

  • Select None for no encryption. This is traditionally offered on port ID 25.

  • Select SSL (sometimes called Implicit SSL) to encrypt the communication for the entire session. This is normally offered on port ID 465.

  • Select TLS (sometimes called Explicit SSL) to begin the communication unencrypted, and then the client issues a STARTTLS command to start using encryption before authenticating and sending the e-mail. This can be offered on a variety of ports including port ID 25, 443, or 587.

If you selected OAuth as the authentication method, the default selection is TLS, but it can be changed.


User ID

Type the user ID to use to log on to the SMTP e-mail server.



If a domain name is required by your SMTP server, type the domain name.

This field is available if Basic is selected in the Authentication Method field.



Type the user ID password to log on to the SMTP e-mail server.

This field is available if Basic is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Confirm Password

Retype the user ID password to confirm the password.

This field is available if Basic is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Client ID

Enter the client ID that will identify the application to the OAuth service.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Client Secret

Enter the client secret for the application on the OAuth service.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Auth End Point

Enter the URL provided by the OAuth service that is used to obtain an authorization grant.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Token End Point

Enter the URL provided by the OAuth service for exchanging an authorization grant for an access token.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.



Enter the scope of access as required by the OAuth service. If you're entering multiple scopes, separate them with a space.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Redirect URI

Enter the callback URL.

Leaving this field blank or entering http://localhost will work for most OAuth services.

For OAuth services that do not allow http://localhost:port callback URLs, enter a URI on your web server that is configured to send a response to redirect back to http://localhost:3017.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Code Challenge Method

Select the option specified in the OAuth service requirements.

This field is available if OAuth is selected in the Authentication Method field.


Use 128-bit Encryption for Password Protected Documents

Select this check box to use the 128-bit encryption when password-protected documents are e-mailed. Clear this check box if you do not want to use encryption for e-mails.


7. Fax


Default Fax Printer

Select the default fax printer to use for faxing Paperless Office documents. This field displays all printers, including non-fax printers. Verify the printer selected is a fax printer. Select None to use the local workstation fax printer to send faxes, if the local workstation has a fax printer.

The selected fax printer must be available to all workstations using Paperless Office to fax documents.


Fax Cover Page

Enter the path to the default template to use for faxing Paperless Office documents, or click the Browse File button to browse to the cover page template to use. The selected file must be a fax cover page file (.cov). You can define one file that is available to all workstations using Paperless Office, or define a separate file for each workstation. If a valid file is not selected, a generic default fax cover page is used. The generic fax cover page is the only cover page file provided with the software; you can create and use other templates.


8. Theme


Theme Code

Enter a theme code or click the Lookup button to list all theme codes. Click the Preview button to see an example of the selected theme.


Enable Company-Specific Background Color

Select an option for using company-specific background colors.

  • Select No if you do not want to use this feature.

  • Select Background to use the company-specific color for the window background.

  • Select Frame to use the company-specific color only for the frame around the edge of the window.

  • Select Both to use the company-specific color for both the window background and the frame.

After selecting an option other than No in the Enable Company Specific Background field, click the Color button to select a color. The Sample field indicates how frames and/or backgrounds appear with your color selection. To revert to the default background color, select No in the Enable Company-Specific Background Color field.

Note If you selected Background or Both in the Enable Company-Specific Background Color field, avoid selecting a dark color, which will make the text on the windows difficult to read.

This field is available only if Classic is selected in the Theme Code field.