Convert Files to the Current Level


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If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Sage 100, after migrating your data files, you must convert the data to the current level.

When converting your data, you also have the option to convert your SAP Crystal Reports .RPT files to the current level and to merge changes from any customized panels that were migrated from your earlier version of Sage 100.


To convert files to the current level

  1. Use one of the following methods to open the Company Maintenance  window:

    • Log on to the software as the Administrator. On the Administrative Tools screen, click Company Maintenance.

    • Select Library Master Main menu > Company Maintenance.

  2. In the Company Code field, enter a company code, or click the Lookup button to select a company. Only companies with data that has been migrated appear in the Company List window. For more information, see Company Maintenance - Fields.

  3. Click Convert. The Convert Module Data Files window opens.

  4. Note If you migrated data for the Payroll module, depending on which version you're upgrading from, you may not have the option to convert data for all companies.

    To convert data files for only one company, skip to the next step. Optionally, select one or more of the following options.

    • Convert Data for All Companies

      Note If you migrated data for the Payroll module, depending on which version you're upgrading from, you may not have the option to convert data for all companies.

    • Convert SAP Crystal Reports

      Note Migrating your SAP Crystal Reports files may take some time, depending on how many customer forms and reports need to be converted.

    • Update Customer Office Panels to Current Level

      If you select this check box, a new library file (a file with a .LIB or .M4L extension) is created for each customized panel based on the current library file in the module folder. The properties of each customized item are updated to the new library file, and the old customized library file is removed.

  5. Click Proceed.

    If you are migrating data for the Payroll module, depending on which version you're upgrading from, the Payroll Data Conversion Wizard may open. If it does, proceed through the wizard to convert your Payroll data. For more information, see Converting Payroll Data.

  6. When the data conversion complete message appears, click OK.
  7. Repeat this procedure to convert data for other companies as needed.

You data is converted. For a list of tasks to complete next, see the upgrade checklists in the Sage 100 Customer Upgrade Guide. You can access the upgrade guide from the Resources page or the Sage 100 documents page.