Activity Log Filter - Fields


Activity Log Filter



Select the activity type to filter the records in the Activity Log or the Web Error Log.

  • Select All Activity to view all activity entries on the Activity Log. This option is available only on the Activity Log.

  • Select System to view all system activity entries on the Activity Log. This option is available only on the Activity Log.

  • Select File Display/Maintenance to view Data File Display and Maintenance activity. This option is available only on the Activity Log.
  • Select Security to view Role Maintenance and User Maintenance activity. This option is available only on the Activity Log.
  • Select Task Scheduler to view all Task Scheduler activity entries. This option is available only on the Activity Log.

  • Select Visual Integrator to view Visual Integrator import and export activity. This option is available only on the Activity Log.
  • Select Web Engine to view all Web Engine activity or error entries on the Activity Log or the Web Error Log.



Select the All check box to display information for all dates. To filter by a range of dates, clear the All check box and enter a starting and ending date. Click the Calendar button to select a date from the calendar.


User Logon

Select the All check box to display information for all user logons. To filter by a range of user logons, clear the All check box and enter a starting and ending user logon. Click the Lookup button to list all user logons.


Company Code

Select the All check box to display information for all company codes. To filter by a range of company codes, clear the All check box and enter a starting and ending company code. Click the Lookup button to list all company codes.


Module Code

Select the All check box to display information for all module codes. To filter by a range of module codes, clear the All check box and enter a starting and ending module code. Click the Lookup button to list all module codes.


Activity Type

Select the All check box to display all activity types. To filter by a range of activity types, clear the All check box and enter a type code in the Starting and Ending fields. Alternately, click the Lookup button to list all activity type codes. This field is available only if All Activity or System is selected in the Activity field.


Search Text

Enter text to search for records with matching text in the Description field.