Data File Display and Maintenance - Fields


Data File Display and Maintenance


File Name

Enter the path and file name.

As a shortcut, enter a company code followed by a colon and then the file name, with no spaces, to view the file in that company database. For example, to view the AR_Customer.M4T file for ABC company, enter the following:


Click the Folder button to select a file.



Select a database to select a table in that database using the Table Name field. If you enter a table in the File Name field, the associated database name appears in this field.

This field is available only in Sage 100 Premium.


Table Name

Select a table. The list includes all tables in the database selected in the Database field. If you enter a table in the File Name field, the table name automatically appears in this field.

This field is available only in Sage 100 Premium.


Key Scan Filter

Select this check box to filter search results in the Key Scan window based on the key entered in the Key/Search field.


Key Column Separator

Select a character to separate the fields that comprise multi-column keys in Business Framework tables. The character is used to identify the individual fields that make up the key, and to account for any null values in the fields when searching for records.

For example, the vendor number field is defined as 10 characters. If your vendor number consists of less than 10 characters, the remaining characters are defined as nulls. If a key column separator is selected, the nulls are accounted for when performing a search if, in the Key/Search field, you add the key column separator at the end of the vendor number.

The following key column separators are available:

  • : (colon)

  • | (pipe)

  • * (asterisk)

  • ~ (tilde)

If the key is comprised of a single column, enter the separator as the last character in the Key/Search field. Use the key column separator to navigate to a specific record for the key entered, or when filtering records using the Key Scan Filter feature.

Note Be sure to select a character that's not included in the record data. If you select a character that's used in one or more alternate keys, you won't be able to enter a column value that includes the separator character.


Formatted Display

Select this check box to display the data file with field names next to the field numbers. Clear this check box to display the data file in RAW format.

This field is available if you select a file that has been upgraded to Business Framework.


Use Embed Dictionary

Select this check box to use the embedded data dictionary for the file.

This option may be useful if the file has not been converted/updated, or if the file structure does not match the local ProvideX Data Dictionary definition.


Key No.

Select from the secondary keys available. Records will sort in the file being displayed according to the key selected.



Type criteria to search for a record.

The following examples use the AP_OpenInvoice.m4t table:

  • To view records beginning with 02 in this window, type 02 in this field, and then press ENTER. The first record beginning with 02 will be the current record; you can use the navigation buttons to view additional records.

  • To view all records beginning with 02 in the Key Scan window, type 02 in this field, and then click the Key Scan button. All records will appear in the Key Scan window, and the first record beginning with 02 will be highlighted.

  • To filter records so that only those beginning with 02 appear in the Key Scan window, select a character in the Key Column Separator field (this example uses a colon), and select the Key Scan Filter check box. Next, type 02: in this field, and click the Key Scan button. Only those records beginning with 02 will appear in the Key Scan window.

  • To search for key 02PACTEL.2010043000010 in the AP_OpenInvoice.m4t table using a colon (:) as the key column separator, type 02:PACTEL:20100430:0001043090 in this field, and then click the Key Scan button.

The following example shows the structure of a key in the AP_OpenInvoice.m4t table.

Key = 02PACTEL.2010043000010

  • APDivsionNo = 02

  • VendorNo = PACTEL

  • InvoiceDate = 20100430

  • InvoiceNo = 0001043090

The dot in the key indicates that the VendorNo field contains nulls.

If you select a file with a multi-segment key and select the Key Scan Filter check box, you can filter records using one or more segments of the key. Enter the selected key column separators as needed to indicate which segments of the key your search criteria must match.

For example, the key for customer records is ARDivisionNo:CustomerNo. To search for customer number 02-CAPRI, you can enter the following in the Key field:


Alternately, you can select a different character to separate the segments of the key in the Key Column Separator field. If you select the tilde (~) character, you can then search by entering the following in the Key field:


Note that you don’t need to enter the full value contained in the segment. Continuing with the above example above, you could also enter the following:


You can filter by multiple segments. For example, to view records in the GL_DailyPosting file from 2018 with AP as the source journal, enter the following in the Key field:
