Entering Overlap Percentages

When a template for a work ticket is planned, it may often be possible to begin a step before the previous step has been completed. The degree to which a step may begin before the previous step has been completed is referred to as the overlap percentage. A 100 percent overlap means that a step is scheduled to start simultaneously with the previous step. A 25 percent overlap indicates that a step is scheduled to start when the previous step is 75 percent complete.

You can control the overlap percentage allowed for a step using the Overlap Percent field on the Work Ticket Entry Steps tab. You can also maintain the overlap percentage for a standard template step using Work Ticket Template Maintenance.

Note An overlap percentage entry for the first step in a template has no effect because there is no preceding step. Overlap percentages are also ignored when multiple activities are performed at the same center.

For more information, see:

Enhanced Scheduling