Enhanced Scheduling (Forward or Backward Scheduling)

Enhanced Scheduling uses the forward or backward scheduling method to determine when each step of a work ticket should be started and how long each step takes to complete. The time requirements for each work ticket are recorded by work center to provide the number of hours committed for each day. The "infinite" loading technique is used to allow each work ticket to be scheduled independently. When a work ticket is scheduled, a production start date is assigned to each step of the work ticket. You can monitor the progress of a work ticket by checking the production start date against actual dates when activities are performed.

Note If you're exploding subassemblies, we recommend using Enhanced Scheduling to properly schedule work tickets. For more information, see Set Up Enhanced Scheduling.

Using Forward or Backward Scheduling to Schedule Work Tickets

The scheduling process is normally performed as the last function in Work Ticket Entry for a new work ticket. You can also reschedule an existing work ticket whether it has been released or not. You can reschedule from the first step or from a specified step. 

Forward scheduling starts with a production start date and calculates the time forward for each step, ending with a calculated due date for the work ticket. Use forward scheduling if you know the starting date of a work ticket and need to determine the due date. This method is appropriate if you want to control the load on your work centers and have flexibility regarding when a work ticket is completed.

Backward scheduling starts at the production due date and calculates the time backward for each step, ending with a calculated production start date for the work ticket. Use Backward scheduling if you know the due date for a work ticket and need to determine when the work ticket should be released to the shop, in order for the work ticket to be completed on time. This method is most appropriate if you have a deadline for the completion of a work ticket and must adjust your schedule to complete the work ticket on time.

For more information, see:

Set Up Enhanced Scheduling

Determining Work Center Capacity

Determining Available Hours for a Work Center

Infinite Loading

Entering Queue Times

Scheduling Minimum Time Periods

Entering Overlap Percentages