Purchase Order Entry / Purchase Order Inquiry


Window Details









How Do I...


Enter a Purchase Order

Enter Drop-Ship Orders

Process Master or Repeating Orders

Add a New Inventory or Alias Item

Enter Material Requisitions

Delete Old Purchase Orders

Add a New Vendor

Enter an Extended Item Description

Add a New Terms Code

Look Up an Item by Alias Number

Process Deposits Paid to Vendors

Add a New Miscellaneous, Charge, or Comment Item Code On the Fly

Record Deposits on Purchase Orders

Refresh Asset Templates

Copy Purchase Order Information




Related Topics



Entering Master or Repeating Orders

Reorder Data

Defining the Hierarchy of Costs

Purchase Order FAQs

Creating Assets from the Accounts Payable and Purchase Order Modules



To access Purchase Order Entry, select Purchase Order Main menu > Purchase Order Entry.

To access Purchase Order Inquiry, select Purchase Order Main menu > Purchase Order Inquiry.

Note Purchase Order Inquiry fields can only be viewed.


Use Purchase Order Entry to enter information necessary for creating or maintaining purchase orders, blanket master orders, repeating orders, drop-ship orders, and material requisitions. Vendor information, including the vendor name, purchase address, 1099 information, sales tax information, and terms code, is retrieved automatically from the Vendor file to speed the data entry process. If a purchase order is being received or invoiced, it cannot be maintained.

You can also enter additional information if other modules are integrated with Purchase Order.

Note Sage Fixed Assets refers to the fixed assets product used with Sage 100.

When data is entered for a group of orders, you can print purchase orders. When goods and invoices are received, the information on the purchase order is retrieved and displayed automatically. You only need to enter the actual quantity received and/or invoiced for each item.

As the received goods and invoices are recorded, the purchase order is adjusted automatically. For example, items partially received are automatically placed on back order. When all items on an order have been received and invoiced, the purchase order is completed.

Before entering purchase orders, if you are currently using a manual purchase order system or a different computerized system, you must perform certain preliminary data entry procedures to make sure that your accounting records are in balance.

You can view the Purchase Order Entry window in normal or expanded view. The expanded view allows you to view more entries on the Lines tab. The Change View button is available only if your screen resolution is set to 1024 x 768 or higher.



Order Number


1. Header


Order Date

Purchase Address

Order Type

Ship-To Address

Master/Repeat PO / From Sales Order / Repeating PO

Terms Code

Vendor No.

Ship Via

Requested By




Customer No.

Confirm To

Last PO No.


Last PO Date


Order Status


Required Date / Expire Date


1099 Form

Batch Fax

1099 Box



On Hold

Use Tax

Print Order


2. Address


Vendor No./Requested By

Location (Purchase Address)

Name (Purchase Address)

Country (Purchase Address)

Address (Purchase Address)

ZIP/Postal Code (Purchase Address)

City (Purchase Address)

State/Province (Purchase Address)

Country (Purchase Address)

Telephone (Purchase Address)

Ext (Purchase Address)

Fax (Purchase Address)

Ship To (Ship-To Address)

Name (Ship-To Address)

Country (Ship-To Address)

Address (Ship-To Address)

ZIP/Postal Code (Ship-To Address)

City (Ship-To Address)

State/Province (Ship-To Address)

Country (Ship-To Address)


3. Lines


Grid Button Bar

Quick Row

Line Number

Item Code

Ordered / Original Qty / Requested

Back Ordered / Balance

Unit Cost

Extension Amount




Unit of Measure

Qty Received / Ordered to Date / Quantity Issued

Job Number

Cost Code

Cost Type

Required Date

Qty Invoiced

Original Unit Cost

Tax Class

Use Tax


Landed Cost

Extended Desc

Alias Item

G/L Account

Item Type

Weight Ref


Product Line

Product Type


Asset Template

Sales Order No.

Customer PO No.

Total Amount

Work Ticket No.

W/T Desc

Step No.

Step Desc


4. Totals


Order Date

Prepaid Check Number

Order Type

Order Balance

Order Status

Last Receipt Number / Last Purchase Order Number / Last Issue Number

Vendor No. / Requested By

Last Receipt Date / Last Purchase Order Date / Last Issue Date

Taxable Purchases

Last Invoice Number

Nontaxable Purchases

Last Invoice Date

Freight Amount

Completed Date

Sales Tax Amount

Invoiced to Date

Order Total

Prepaid Freight

Less Prepaid Amount