Apply Purchase Orders to Invoice/Receipt - Fields


Apply Purchase Orders to Invoice/Receipt

Receipt No.

This field displays the receipt number and can only be viewed.


Invoice No.

If you accessed this window from Receipt of Goods Entry, enter the invoice number or click the Lookup button to view all invoice numbers for the selected vendor. If you entered an invoice number in Receipt of Goods Entry, it appears in this field.

Note If the invoice number is entered in Receipt of Goods Entry, any miscellaneous charges will not be written to the Lines tab.

If you accessed this window from Receipt of Invoice Entry, the invoice number appears in this field and can only be viewed.


Vendor No.

This field displays the vendor number and can only be viewed.


Order No.

This field displays the purchase order number and can only be viewed.



Select this check box to apply the purchase order to the invoice or receipt. If the order has already been applied to the invoice or receipt, this check box is selected and can only be viewed.

To apply multiple purchase orders to an invoice or receipt, the values for the fields listed below must be the same for each order. The first purchase order selected in Receipt of Invoice Entry or Receipt of Goods Entry is considered the primary order and is used to determine whether additional orders can be applied. Note that some fields may not be available depending on whether you're applying purchase orders to an invoice or a receipt.

  • Terms code
  • Sales tax schedule for purchase order
  • Sales tax schedule for purchase address
  • Shipping code (entered in Ship Via field)

Click the Select All button to select all purchase orders.

Click the Unselect All button to clear both the Apply and Receive Complete or Invoice Complete check boxes for all orders that have not already been applied.

Click the Find Row button to open the Search Grid window and search for a value in one of the rows.


Invoice Complete

Select this check box if you want to invoice all lines in the selected purchase order. Click the Invoice All button to select this check box for all orders. Select the Invoice None button to clear this check box for all orders.

If the purchase order has already been applied to the invoice, this field can only be viewed.

This field is available if you accessed this window through Receipt of Invoice Entry.


Receive Complete

Select this check box if you want to receive all lines in the selected purchase order. Click the Receive All button to select this check box for all orders. Select the Receive None button to clear this check box for all orders.

If the purchase order has already been applied to the receipt, this field can only be viewed.

This field is available if you accessed this window through Receipt of Goods Entry.


Order Date

This field displays the purchase order date and can only be viewed.


Order Type

This field displays the purchase order type and can only be viewed.



This field displays the purchase order status and can only be viewed.