Workers' Compensation Cost Code Maintenance


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Workers' Compensation Maintenance





In the Workers' Compensation Maintenance window, click Cost Codes. This window is available only if the Job Cost module is integrated with Payroll.


Use Workers' Compensation Cost Code Maintenance to define an unlimited number of cost codes for the workers' compensation code.

Cost codes entered in this window are used to determine the default workers' compensation code for each cost code and state entered in Payroll Data Entry.

When a cost code and state are entered in Payroll Data Entry, the program verifies if the cost code is assigned to a workers' compensation code for the state. If so, that workers' compensation code overrides any existing entry in the Payroll Data Entry W/C Code field. If the cost code is assigned to more than one workers' compensation code for the state, the program uses the first workers' compensation code it finds.



Cost Code