Determining and Updating Quantities


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Refer to the topics below for determining and updating quantities in Sale Order data entry tasks:

Expand or collapse item  Determining the Total Quantity Available in Data Entry

If the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, the combined quantities in the Quantity on Sales Order and Quantity on Back Order fields in the Inventory file represent the total quantity committed for sale. The Total Quantity Available field in the Inventory file is calculated by subtracting the quantity on sales order and quantity on back order from the quantity on hand. You can also add the quantity on purchase order and/or quantity on work ticket and subtract the quantity required for work tickets when calculating the total quantity available by selecting POs and W/T in the Include in Quantity Available field in Inventory Management Options.

As new orders are entered for an item, the quantity entered in the Ordered field in Sales Order Entry is compared to the total quantity available. If the quantity available is not sufficient to fill the order, the Entry Exceeds Available Quantity window appears. You can force the order quantity, reduce the order quantity, or select an alternate item or warehouse location. This field is available only if the Check for Quantity on Hand check box is selected in Sales Order Options, and the appropriate security is set up.


Expand or collapse item  Updating On-Hand Quantities

When the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order, an item's on-hand quantity is not adjusted until the order is invoiced. At the completion of Sales Order Invoice Data Entry, the Sales Journal prints. Invoice information is reviewed for accuracy and is revised, if necessary, and is updated to the Inventory files. During the update process, the actual on-hand quantity for each inventory item is updated by the shipped quantities indicated on the invoices. In the Inventory file, the quantity on sales order is reduced by the original ordered quantity, and the quantity on back order is increased by the back ordered quantity.