Entry Exceeds Available Quantity - Fields


Entry Exceeds Available Quantity

Entry Exceeds Available Quantity Options

Select the applicable option for the item that exceeds the available quantity.

  • Click the Accept Quantity Entered option to disregard the available quantity and accept the quantity entered. This option is available only if the appropriate security is set up.

  • Click the Balance Ordered Quantity to Quantity Available option to balance the quantity ordered to the available quantity.

  • Click the Select an Alternate Item option to select an alternate inventory item to fill your order.

  • Click the Cancel this Item option to delete this item from the order or invoice.

  • Click the List Alternate Warehouse Quantities option to list alternate warehouses with the quantity of the item on hand for each warehouse. This option is available only if the Require Multiple Warehouses check box is selected in the Inventory Management Options window, and the Inventory Management module is integrated with Sales Order.

  • Click the Backorder Item option to back order the amount of this item that is not available to fill the order. This amount appears in the Backordered field on the Sales Order Entry Lines tab, and a back order is issued when this sales order is invoiced. This option is available only if the Back Orders check box is selected for the item in the Inventory Management Item Maintenance window, and the appropriate security is set up.